LMR Senior

Dirt Late Models Rule!
Posts: 297
Petaluma California
All your cheap steering from speedway and JR are all from china and bend very easy, I have found the USA made moog stuff last alot longer and takes a better hit before bending... The funny part is everyone wants the cheap parts, but dont take into count they buy 5 or 6 a year over getting the good parts and buy maybe 2.. Same with the ball joints and stuff....... Just think if you can buy a balljoint for 20 dollars less on mail order then most, it has to be cheap ones cause you know speedway and those kind of places are making atleast 20% on it selling it to you... ... Also the steering is much smoother with good ball joints or the take apart ones you can maintain.... I also like using the 3 peice lower a-frame bushings, they work the smoothest, if your customer will let you buy them or make them... Hope this helped you. Joe