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Saturday Night RacerSaturday Night RacerRACE TECH › mod steering and suspension

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mod steering and suspension (Read 2348 times)
Lee Motorsports 16
LMR Member

RACE DIRT!!!!!!!!

Posts: 185
oakhills ca
mod steering and suspension
10/06/11 at 7:30am
So is there a better or worse centerlink to buy for chevelle mod front end..the speedway, jr motorsports, performance bodies catalogs have it for 39.99 and the local parts house ( napa) has one for 59.99 and one for 109.99. Not sure what's up, is the catalog one a quality part. And low friction lower control arm bushings , are they worth the money? Thanks
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LMR Senior

Dirt Late Models

Posts: 297
Petaluma California
Re: mod steering and suspension
Reply #1 - 10/06/11 at 9:14am
All your cheap steering from speedway and JR are all from china and bend very easy, I have found the USA made moog stuff last alot longer and takes a better hit before bending...  The funny part is everyone wants the cheap parts, but dont take into count they buy 5 or 6 a year over getting the good parts and buy maybe 2.. Same with the ball joints and stuff....... Just think if you can buy a balljoint for 20 dollars less on mail order then most, it has to be cheap ones cause you know speedway and those kind of places are making atleast 20% on it selling it to you... ... Also the steering is much smoother with good ball joints or the take apart ones you can maintain.... I also like using the 3 peice lower a-frame bushings, they work the smoothest, if your customer will let you buy them or make them...
Hope this helped you.
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Leaf lifer

Posts: 1113

Re: mod steering and suspension
Reply #2 - 10/07/11 at 7:57am
   Agree with you 100% about the durability of the USA stuff, Joe, and we try to get as much stuff from Howe and Moog as possible but we sure feel guilty about putting those 12 year old Chinese kids out of work.
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LMR Senior

Dirt Late Models

Posts: 297
Petaluma California
Re: mod steering and suspension
Reply #3 - 10/07/11 at 8:38am
Well i think its soooooooooooo funny how everyone is bitching there no work and things to do the we run out and support every company who spends all your money in china for your cheap parts,, I don`t sell as many cars in dirt that i used to, cause they cost more money But I can say there really made in America !!!!! Good thing I still do alot of high end road race cars.. !!!!
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