Chris Kearns
This Enduro is intended for stock, factory cars. The word stock for this enduro race applies to all components of the Enduro Car: Engine, Transmission, Chassis, Suspension, body and all other parts. EVERYTHING. Stock means, no altering, modifying, changing or substituting of ANY components. If you deviate from this description of Stock in any way, unless otherwise covered in the following rules, your car will be considered ILLEGAL. Also understand that this “Enduro” is an endurance race. It is an event.
The following rules will be strictly adhered to for fairness in competition and for your safety.
COMPETING MODELS: Standard size, American made, steel top cars. 2 or 4 door. El Camino/Ranchero, Station Wagon OK. Trucks OK (1/2 ton short wheelbase or smaller only) No convertibles, Camaros, Firebirds, Mustangs, Jeeps. (if you are in question, please call before building car) Minimum wheel base 108” Engines, frames and bodies, must be make to make.
1. ENGINES: Stock, unaltered. No modifications. No substituting. Unless its oil or a filter, it better be stock OEM, original, factory. NO Brzezinski parts. $100 claim on anyone’s Intake or Exhaust manifolds. $100 claim on anyone’s carburetor, by Promoter only. TRANSMISSION: Transmissions must be automatic and stock for that make and model of car used. No power glides. No exceptions.
EXHAUST: Exhaust pipes must not exceed 2 ½ inches in diameter before the muffler and must extend to rear of driver and point to outside. Stock exhaust manifolds only. No performance manifolds or headers. No cast iron headers. No modifications of ant kind allowed to exhaust manifolds. Mufflers mandatory. Muffler and pipes must be mounted underneath floor pan and have support chains. No part of exhaust system can be inside of the drivers compartment. No center dump manifold allowed. If you loose a muffler, you will be black flagged.
BODIES: Body panels may be skinned. Doors maybe skinned ONLY if driver or passenger side has door bars. Grill maybe replaced with wire screen. Wheel wells may be removed. Removal of all upholstery, exterior trim and all plastic material is mandatory. No outside reinforcements of any kind. Body panel mounting will be strictly inspected in pre-tech, prior to race. You cannot be on the track at anytime without your hood in place and properly attached. If you leave your hood hinges on and your hood comes up, you will be Black Flagged.
BUMPERS: Bumpers must be welded to frame horns and to frame. Bumper must also have chains welded to it and to frame. Bumper straps required front and rear. Steel straps only. No aluminum. Minimum size 4x12x1/8. No hoops of any kind permitted, front or rear. You will be black flagged if you loose a front or rear bumper. Bumper reattachment must be approved by Speedway official before re-entering race.
ROLLCAGE: ROLLCAGE: Minimum of .090x 1 ¾ round roll bar tubing. Minimum 6 point, with Hoop above and behind driver. Roll cages must be contained in driver’s compartment only. Must have at least an X at drivers side. Door bars recommended. DRIVER DOOR CANNOT BE SKINNED WITH AN X, ONLY IF DOOR BARS ARE USED. Unibody attachments must be plated. All joints must be welded. Radiator core support may be replaced with a “tee” bar style support and can pick up front fender mounts. 1 3/4” .095 tubing maximum size tubing. Diagonal support kickers must be with in 6” from center to center. Core support design subject to tech approval. No black pipe, oil field pipe, exhaust tubing. Roll bar must be padded everywhere driver can touch. Window net mandatory. If you are not sure or have questions about Roll cage, please call.
WHEELS: Steel wheels, not to exceed 7” in width. Racing wheels OK. NO Bead locks. Spoke wheels ok. If OEM wheels are used, Right side wheels must be reinforced in center, No wheel weights. 1 thread of Wheel studs must protrude thru lug nut. Over sized wheels studs and lug nuts recommended
TIRES: 7” Maximum tread width. DOT Tires only. Must be street tires. No knobbies. No racing tires. No grooving, siping or sanding of tires.
RADIATOR: OEM or Aluminum Radiator OK
REAR ENDS: Open rear ends only. No Posi traction. No locked rear ends. No welding.
BRAKES: Must have 4 working brakes at all times.
ELECTRICAL: Any 12 volt battery permitted. Battery may be moved to inside of vehicle, but must be ENCLOSED in an approved metal box, and securely fastened. On/Off switch must be labeled and mounted on left side of driver.
GAS TANK: Fuel cells are mandatory. Must have roll over check valve. Strap required from fuel cap to strap. No race fuel. Fuel Cell mounting will be strictly enforced by Speedway tech. Square tubing running across rear frame is highly recommended. Just mounting Fuel cell to trunk floor pan will not be excepted. FIREWALLS: Complete steel firewall. Must completely seal driver from engine compartment and trunk area. NO HOLES ANYWHERE ALLOWED.
GLASS: Removal of all glass mandatory. Windshield area must be entirely covered with screen mesh. 1/2 x 1/2 Maximum.
SEAT BELTS: Must be equipped with approved Racing lap belt and shoulder harness. 3” Lap and minimum 2” Shoulder harness. Seat belt mounting will be strictly inspected by Speedway officials. Belts must be no more than 2 years old.
SEAT: Racing seat optional but recommended. No fiberglass. Seat mounting will be strictly inspected by Speedway officials.
HELMET: Approved, closed face, racing helmet mandatory. No Motorcycle helmets. Snell 95 or newer. Must have no impact marks on Helmet
FIRESUIT/GLOVES: MANDATORY. Minimum 1 Layer Firesuit. 2 Layer recommended. Approved racing gloves. No Mechanic or work gloves.
IDENTIFICATION: Car numbers must be on both sides of car and roof of car. Minimum 18” high and 4” wide. Hood and trunk lid must have 4” high numbers, readable from front and back of car. Driver’s last name or Nick name must be on both doors and roof of car and MUST BE LEGIBLE FROM GRANDSTANDS.
MISCELLANEOUS: No mirrors, No radios. No adding of weight (lead) for any reason.
Anyone found cheating before, during or after an Enduro, will be disqualified from that Enduro and banned from the next Enduro at Santa Maria Speedway.