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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #66 -
05/11/10 at 6:15pm
Watchin15B wrote
on 05/11/10 at 5:29pm:
And the truth shall make you free!!! But maybe not in this case!!
yeah...the truth and taking responsibility for your actions and statements.
Aint that right.
Glen Sparks
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I wanna go fast
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #67 -
05/11/10 at 6:17pm
Glen Sparks-
I only regretted ONE thing Saturday night. And that was our incident. I honestly do not remember whether or not the yellow came out, but I was on your bumper going into the corner- and should have given you some room. I made a mistake. I knew I had made a mistake the minute it happened. It was not intentional, and it was not rough driving. It was a mistake.
I apologized to you Saturday night- and having been on the other end of that deal, I understood that their wasn't anything I could say to make you feel better about it.. it's one of those things.
You will not get another apology from me.
Your actions during the caution, after the race, and on this board are ridiculous. I don't know who you think you are dealing with, but I won't take any $hit from you.
You are trying to label me a rough driver. You are the rough driver. Your car is all over the place. You ping pong that piece of $hit off of every car on the track. You have hit my car WAY more than any other car on the track. But I usually don't say much to you... out of friendship. It's the pot calling the kettle black.
And yes Glen-- you have spun me out before.... But you forgot about that, huh? What about the other people you have spun or wrecked or tagged on the track? Mr. F'ing perfect, huh?
I tried to call you and message you last night (just like you posted) to try and talk some sense into you, try to save an 8 year friendship. But have apparently gone off the deep end. You made a complete ass out of yourself at the track, and your posts speak for themselves on here. Take a pill, see a doctor, get laid, DO SOMETHING. It was an accident.
My next question is- why am I the guy being singled out? You took out Charlie early in the race- flattened his rear tire. Where is the outrage for that? You nailed Charlie's car during your temper tantrum under yellow-- where is the anger at that? I guess your a$$ is exempt from all this. Sounds like your the one driving like an idiot, or moron, or whatever brave words you use on the internet.
I didn't turn my car into Charlies-- I was spinning out in 3 and 4. Charlie hit the front of my car and turned me straight. Thats what happened. Not rough driving. Charlie has NO reason to be mad at me. I should be the one who's pissed. I got nailed under caution and forced into the wall... for no reason other than people losing their heads on the track.--You don't see me writing a 5 page boohoo post.
This is my one and only post on this ridiculous subject. If anyone wants to talk to me about this call me- 805-896-0523.
I have raced at SMS for 7 straight seasons without missing a single race. I have tried to cultivate a reputation as a clean driver. I have NEVER had people accuse me of what you are accusing me of.
I admit I drove aggressively Saturday night.
I admit my car had a wicked push, and by throwing it in the corners I had some contact.
But I am not a rough driver- I am a tough competitor. I show up to win races, not babysit you.
Glen- I tried to call you several times and do this man to man- but you won't take my calls and continue to bash me on the internet.
So here is the deal..
It ends here and now. I already apologized and tried to call you several times- I've done my part. I will NOT apologize to you again.
We move forward, and race each other cleanly.
I will not take any $hit from you... keep that in mind. Push me, and I will push back.
If you don't like what I just said.. Man up. It's 6:30 pm on Tuesday. Come by my house-- i'll be in the garage until about 10:00. Text me--i'll come to your house.
In case you forgot.. my address is
4231 Lantana Ct.
Santa Maria, CA.
Bring it or shut up.
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #68 -
05/11/10 at 6:31pm
kartracer8 wrote
on 05/11/10 at 2:09pm:
Do you know that were talkin about hobby stocks where iwas just someone watching i thought so...!!! mr race car i have had just about enoug of your faceless comments on here towards everyone and that now includes me if you wanna step up and go ahead and tell everyone who you are that might help a little bit with believing anythign you say since you have so many race cars but never are anywhere. As far as the usac race we have no rule for passing on the berm in the drivers meeting the track told them they put in a bigger berm and it was there. so until you start sayin who you are and are actually at the races i dont have anything more to say to you. thank mr racecar35
see you sat racecar35 maybe haha dont think hiding behind a name dont mean i dont know who you are.
Well Doug I'm not hiding behind a screen name I'm from the Chico area so I dont think you know who I am. But if you do please say!!!
Does your last name start with....S.....and end with .....windell?
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"99% of Muslims aren't terrorists, but 99% of terrorists are Muslim"
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #69 -
05/11/10 at 6:46pm
Ok So where do I start I'm From Chico and My name is Mike Camacho I have raced in and out of Calif for a few years now. I just moved to Chico I was living in the LA area but my job brought me up here. CK i dont know a James or who you are talking about and don't care. Hope this clears crap up. Have a good night all
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LMR Rookie
Dirt Late Models
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #70 -
05/11/10 at 7:35pm
I know that we all lost our tempers on saturday, hell, i was standin on the front stretch helmit in hand with tom givin the one to go, Glen was drivin backwards on the track, Mike hit everything but the pace car intentionally or not, we are 3 senior drivers on the track and we should thank our great track staff for being so forgiving, not only that what kind of example are we setting for the younger drivers, come on boys its time for someone to be the bigger man, i like what Fraiser said about driving eachother cleanly
I like what Glen said about being sorry for his actions
all thats left is to truely forgive and move on, dont bury it deep down inside and let the bitter root grow,
I would now like to quote the late Colonel Sanders, he said, "im to drunk to taste this chicken" Im sorry for that last line theres somthin wrong with me
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Iwant to go fast
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #71 -
05/11/10 at 7:42pm
Hobby Stock group hug.....................................
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #72 -
05/11/10 at 8:19pm
Frazier15 wrote
on 05/11/10 at 6:17pm:
Glen Sparks-
I only regretted ONE thing Saturday night. And that was our incident. I honestly do not remember whether or not the yellow came out, but I was on your bumper going into the corner- and should have given you some room. I made a mistake. I knew I had made a mistake the minute it happened. It was not intentional, and it was not rough driving. It was a mistake.
I apologized to you Saturday night- and having been on the other end of that deal, I understood that their wasn't anything I could say to make you feel better about it.. it's one of those things.
You will not get another apology from me.
Your actions during the caution, after the race, and on this board are ridiculous. I don't know who you think you are dealing with, but I won't take any $hit from you.
You are trying to label me a rough driver. You are the rough driver. Your car is all over the place. You ping pong that piece of $hit off of every car on the track. You have hit my car WAY more than any other car on the track. But I usually don't say much to you... out of friendship. It's the pot calling the kettle black.
And yes Glen-- you have spun me out before.... But you forgot about that, huh? What about the other people you have spun or wrecked or tagged on the track? Mr. F'ing perfect, huh?
I tried to call you and message you last night (just like you posted) to try and talk some sense into you, try to save an 8 year friendship. But have apparently gone off the deep end. You made a complete ass out of yourself at the track, and your posts speak for themselves on here. Take a pill, see a doctor, get laid, DO SOMETHING. It was an accident.
My next question is- why am I the guy being singled out? You took out Charlie early in the race- flattened his rear tire. Where is the outrage for that? You nailed Charlie's car during your temper tantrum under yellow-- where is the anger at that? I guess your a$$ is exempt from all this. Sounds like your the one driving like an idiot, or moron, or whatever brave words you use on the internet.
I didn't turn my car into Charlies-- I was spinning out in 3 and 4. Charlie hit the front of my car and turned me straight. Thats what happened. Not rough driving. Charlie has NO reason to be mad at me. I should be the one who's pissed. I got nailed under caution and forced into the wall... for no reason other than people losing their heads on the track.--You don't see me writing a 5 page boohoo post.
This is my one and only post on this ridiculous subject. If anyone wants to talk to me about this call me- 805-896-0523.
I have raced at SMS for 7 straight seasons without missing a single race. I have tried to cultivate a reputation as a clean driver. I have NEVER had people accuse me of what you are accusing me of.
I admit I drove aggressively Saturday night.
I admit my car had a wicked push, and by throwing it in the corners I had some contact.
But I am not a rough driver- I am a tough competitor. I show up to win races, not babysit you.
Glen- I tried to call you several times and do this man to man- but you won't take my calls and continue to bash me on the internet.
So here is the deal..
It ends here and now. I already apologized and tried to call you several times- I've done my part. I will NOT apologize to you again.
We move forward, and race each other cleanly.
I will not take any $hit from you... keep that in mind. Push me, and I will push back.
If you don't like what I just said.. Man up. It's 6:30 pm on Tuesday. Come by my house-- i'll be in the garage until about 10:00. Text me--i'll come to your house.
In case you forgot.. my address is
4231 Lantana Ct.
Santa Maria, CA.
Bring it or shut up.
Are you mad at me Mr.Fraizer??.........Good!!!! .........now you know how I feel.
I wont rehash everything I have stated here on this thread. I will just ask you to tell the truth.
When you made contact with my quarter pannel you throttled up. Admit it. (we both know the answer)
Glen Sparks
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LMR Senior
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Grover Beach
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #73 -
05/11/10 at 8:26pm
LOL>>>>LOL, Scoval you are a stinking crack up. Off subject I would like to give Breshears a thumbs up. The track is making progress which is good for us. I told him Saturday that my frustration comes from the fact that I knew this track like the back of my hand and now the new surface is changing the way I have to set up my car.
If you get the chance Tim, could you start packing some more clay on the top and possibly start getting that high side run back in?I know its easy to say and harder to do but that is the only thing I really miss. Its getting a little flat up there like Bako's turn 3.
I want these guys to know that I see them trying to change the way they talk to us so I want to change the way we talk to them.
By the way, Tom (flagdude) has a porn-stache. There I said it. We all have been thinking it.
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #74 -
05/11/10 at 8:38pm
If I found out any of my workers are talking mess on the computer about other tracks.....they wouldn't be my workers....I hope you are not right Chris...
I hate looking for new people.....
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Scott Woodhouse
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Grover Beach
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #75 -
05/11/10 at 8:39pm
And Glenn, bud at first I thought this was all funny but your really starting to hurt some feelings here. You guys were TEAMATES! (is that one M or two?) Anyways, stop already. Its not like he slept with your wife. He spun you out. Not that big of a deal until it becomes a repetitive problem. Either way, you can race him the way he races you. I got nothin but love for you guys but if it comes to the wire with me in second, then you might get doored. Its just racing. Hell ask Breshears, he still is probably pissed at me when I doored him for a win. Ask my dad, I pushed his A$$ into the wall almost for the win TWICE! In two different races. My momma better never get in the way either. She'll get whats coming to here too. You get my point?
By the way, Kurt is a primadonna! He hasnt had grease under his nails in two years. He actually wore a tux to the races a few weeks ago. Did anybody see that? Throw it in our face that your better than us kurt....Whatever...okay pues.
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LMR Rookie
Dirt Late Models
Posts: 2
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #76 -
05/11/10 at 8:52pm
this message is directed to glen sparks...
Last saturday night as i was in the stands watching the hobby stock main event i witnessed a big boat with the #73 driving backwards on the track aiming for the #15 of MR.FRAZIER and missed. Now it is understandable that there may have been some aggressive driving and bumping going into the turns but it is racing do you expect not to get bumped???
It is also understandable that you would be upset that you may have been "spun out" by MR.FRAZIER but to drive on the track backwards and having the chance to potentially hurt somebody else or ruin somebody's car is uncalled for.
Do you possibly need some anger management???
You're on here talking about MR.FRAZIER rough driving and doing this rough driving intentionally. I have been at the track almost every saturday night for the past 10 years and i have never seen MR.FRAZIER intentionally rough drive anybody. yeah he will race door to door with you and bump you a bit but its RACING. Also during this time i have seen on multiple occasions you rough drive the WALL. how do you think he feels about that???
It is funny how you are on here boasting about MR.FRAZIER calling you and you ignoring his calls. At least he has the balls to step up to the plate and admit he may have been wrong. You are just making yourself look like an idiot and immature by not being able to handle this situation like a man. And all you do is say " go to me and ed's and watch the video" is this your only plan of defense???
i have lost a lot of respect for you as a driver and i wouldnt be suprised to see you try and take out MR.FRAZIER this saturday night
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #77 -
05/11/10 at 8:55pm
Well Mr.Fraizer......?????
You can have someone else post your answer for you if you want to save face.
Glen Sparks
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #78 -
05/11/10 at 9:02pm
racefan1234 wrote
on 05/11/10 at 8:52pm:
this message is directed to glen sparks...
Last saturday night as i was in the stands watching the hobby stock main event i witnessed a big boat with the #73 driving backwards on the track aiming for the #15 of MR.FRAZIER and missed. Now it is understandable that there may have been some aggressive driving and bumping going into the turns but it is racing do you expect not to get bumped???
It is also understandable that you would be upset that you may have been "spun out" by MR.FRAZIER but to drive on the track backwards and having the chance to potentially hurt somebody else or ruin somebody's car is uncalled for.
Do you possibly need some anger management???
You're on here talking about MR.FRAZIER rough driving and doing this rough driving intentionally. I have been at the track almost every saturday night for the past 10 years and i have never seen MR.FRAZIER intentionally rough drive anybody. yeah he will race door to door with you and bump you a bit but its RACING. Also during this time i have seen on multiple occasions you rough drive the WALL. how do you think he feels about that???
It is funny how you are on here boasting about MR.FRAZIER calling you and you ignoring his calls. At least he has the balls to step up to the plate and admit he may have been wrong. You are just making yourself look like an idiot and immature by not being able to handle this situation like a man. And all you do is say " go to me and ed's and watch the video" is this your only plan of defense???
i have lost a lot of respect for you as a driver and i wouldnt be suprised to see you try and take out MR.FRAZIER this saturday night
I know that you and quite a few other race fans would like to see me take out the 15 Car..............dont count on it.
I wouldnt give you or any other loser that likes to see race cars wrecking into each other the satisfaction.
Glen Sparks
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LMR Rookie
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #79 -
05/11/10 at 9:10pm
i would not have want to see any cars get taken out. there is no reason for it.
and when did i ever say that i wanted to see cars get taken out?????
if cars are being taken out what am i gonna do go and watch the kids race their bikes every saturday??? no disrespect to the kids at all but i wanna go out and see cars racing each other
you just need to step up and be a man. people make mistakes and everybody cant be perfect. Maybe you should go and talk to MR.FRAZIER instead of running your mouth on here cause you are making yourself look like an idiot and making this whole situation so much worse then it has to be
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Posts: 918
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #80 -
05/11/10 at 9:29pm
I think it's time to kill this thread.
Charlie's starting to make sense.
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"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
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LMR Rookie
Dirt Late Models
Posts: 75
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #81 -
05/11/10 at 9:37pm
Rayburn thats some funny $hit, and perverted mustashes have been made cool by Dale Earndardt, your mom told me you once pushed her down fighting over the last pork chop at dinner is this true and if so was there shake and bake on the pork chop?
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #82 -
05/11/10 at 9:41pm
I was wrong!!
Carry on!!!
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"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
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LMR Rookie
Dirt Late Models
Posts: 75
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #83 -
05/11/10 at 9:45pm
I dont know who jr07 is but i like him!!!!!!
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LMR Member
Posts: 147
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #84 -
05/11/10 at 9:46pm
Hey Gary?
KIRK, yes...KIRK (not Kurt) was in a tuxedo because he was the best man at his friends wedding that very evening and wanted to be at the races. Trying to show that he is better than you? Well, if you say so, I guess that he is. LOL!
And BTW, Tom's "porn stache" is a delight! You should consider growing one yourself to improve your level of intimacy! LOL!
Please note the spelling error; it is l
ser, not l
ser. I know that is important to you and I wanted to make sure you get it right. Five pages of BS whining and wailing and crying, and you begging Frazier to respond to you, and when he does you won't take his call? And then when he DOES post a response, your ONLY comeback is being in your door and throttling up? Really? Is that all you HAVE? Personally, I was expecting much more from your prolific mind...well, perhaps not. You didn't have much of an argument in the first place. Wrong is wrong, and what YOU did in retalliation was WRONG! But when it was YOU spinning out Frazier a few races back, THAT was OK, right? True dat! There is no spell check on this darn message board, so I cannot be certain I have everything down correctly, but I've gotta be clOOse (get it? clOOse? Its a joke!)
Racecar35... (Ex member)?
How could you be in Chico Saturday night and at SMS at the same time, which allows you to make comments about the track condition there? Are you sure your name doesn't start with S...and end with ...windell? Really?
You manned up, and you did the right thing. Proud of you! Wouldn't be too surprised if there is a bounty out on you now. Won't be Charlie and won't be Glen, but there are others out there don't forget. Watch your six dude. Happy to come be a part of your pit crew should you need any help with the undesireable elements that seek your demise.
Ricky Bobby...
Personally, I wouldn't mind a group hug. Not sure how TOM would feel however, but GARY "NO PORN STACHE" certainly seems to NEED a hug (or something).
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Sarcasm is just one option I consider.
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LMR Member
Posts: 147
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #85 -
05/11/10 at 9:48pm
You are doing JUST fine! Hilarious! Keep it coming!
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Sarcasm is just one option I consider.
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LMR Rookie
Dirt Late Models
Posts: 75
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #86 -
05/11/10 at 9:51pm
well said my friendly neighborhood flag dude
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #87 -
05/11/10 at 9:57pm
racefan1234 wrote
on 05/11/10 at 9:10pm:
i would not have want to see any cars get taken out. there is no reason for it.
and when did i ever say that i wanted to see cars get taken out?????
if cars are being taken out what am i gonna do go and watch the kids race their bikes every saturday??? no disrespect to the kids at all but i wanna go out and see cars racing each other
you just need to step up and be a man. people make mistakes and everybody cant be perfect. Maybe you should go and talk to MR.FRAZIER instead of running your mouth on here cause you are making yourself look like an idiot and making this whole situation so much worse then it has to be
You are entitled to your opinions......
And your opinion means absolutely nothing to me. Have a Good day
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