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2006 SMS M.S.
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #44 - 05/10/10 at 10:05pm
Wait... Ben?! Aggressive?! Hahahahahaha... um, sorry for the out burst.
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Chris Kearns

Posts: 4133

Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #45 - 05/10/10 at 10:07pm
benstrans wrote on 05/10/10 at 9:55pm:
Why dont you guys get together and learn to respect each other. Everyone of you on here Bitching about rough driving has also been guilty of rough driving.

I must DISAGREE with that one point.

I have ONLY been OFFICIALLY accused of "agressive driving",  NEVER "rough driving". [/quote]

Ben, you weren't on here bitching about rough driving !!! lol
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #46 - 05/10/10 at 10:09pm
I wish I could of been there but Dario did a great job covering for me. Well Glen and Michael are two of my best customers. I did tell them video sales are down. I did not think they would go this far to help me but I do appreciate what they are doing for The video will probably help answer some questions. I was bummed to here that the Hobby stocks had such a rough night. Glen I am impressed with how you quickly got on here to appologize for what happend. You don't see that much. I hope to see all you guys on Wednesday. If somebody wants a video and cant make it to the meeting spot I will deliver free in SM. Just let me know.
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #47 - 05/10/10 at 10:11pm
Quote :  Timmod47

Let it rest Glen, your just making it worse. We understand how you feel.

Sorry Tim

I will not be backing off as per your request. I will not let this just slide under the rug for some other day. I do know what is going on,exactly, and so does Mr. Fraizer. Whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong.

I was in the wrong for turning around on the speedway and looking to get back at Mr. Fraizer. For intentionaly taking me out while in 2nd place.

Now..... Lets see why did I do that.

Could it be that I thought there was some bias for Mr. Fraizer???  I would hope not

Is it because he is so cool and such a good driver and never ever drives like an idiot and just everybody loves him???

Here is why........ Their aint nothin' in whole racin' world that is worse than gettin assblasted in a corner and having the entire f' ing field of cars comming at you at full tilt. Hoping they check up in time. It sends the most bone chilling feeling up your spine like no other. If you come through without a blow it off in your head cause you'd quit racin if you dont. Then it sets in that you were just screwed dry with hand full of sand thrown in for good measure.
If you spin yourself out the chill goes away a bit quicker cause you did it to yourself. You feel stupid but quickly get over it if nobody hits you.

And for some, they can handle it ok. I used to be able to handle it ok until I started seeing to much of what I feel in my opinion was bias. Again hope I am wrong.

What should have happend after the assblasting I took is the caution should have immediately come on. My a$$ sent to the back of the pack, part of the caution (to bad so sad for me) and Mr. Fraizers a$$ black flagged to the pits and DQ'ed for the night for rough driving.

But we all know now that didnt happen that way. And that we are all here looking to see what is he going to say next.. No?

Whats next?

Glen Sparks
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #48 - 05/10/10 at 10:17pm
SMS VIDEOS wrote on 05/10/10 at 10:09pm:
I wish I could of been there but Dario did a great job covering for me. Well Glen and Michael are two of my best customers. I did tell them video sales are down. I did not think they would go this far to help me but I do appreciate what they are doing for The video will probably help answer some questions. I was bummed to here that the Hobby stocks had such a rough night. Glen I am impressed with how you quickly got on here to appologize for what happend. You don't see that much. I hope to see all you guys on Wednesday. If somebody wants a video and cant make it to the meeting spot I will deliver free in SM. Just let me know.

I am sure Mr. Fraizer just cant wait to see the video. He must be so excited!!!

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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #49 - 05/10/10 at 10:43pm
superstreetracer40 wrote on 05/10/10 at 9:24pm:
Glenn,  This is Tom B.  I understand how you feel I have had a car in my driver door coming around trun three and I was on the burm so he was in the infield. And I was going to win my first main. He drove me up the track, Then he truned off of me and won the race.

I remember that night. I also remember he did not wreck you

 I also have been truned around a few times.  I hated the officials and blamed them.  Now that I help out I understand how hard it is to see what every car is doing at all times.  We all try to catch everything.  I don't make the calls.   I was looking at trun one and then I looked back at trun three. Did he bump you twice?   I saw you sideways and the 15 car turned right and bumped you.  It looked like to me he was on the brakes and tryed to miss you.  I hope they got it on video.

They did

  I hate to say this but what you did should have got you kicked out for life, at the very least the year. You used your car as a weapon.  I like watching you run so I'm glad you only got black flaged for the night.

I agree and will accept and abide by any decision the speedway takes. I will not try and detract from the wrong I have done

                                                                                                                                                                     I'll be doing track prep Wednesday night so I can't be at pizza.  I hope someone will post the results of the video.

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LMR Rookie

Dirt Late Models

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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #50 - 05/10/10 at 11:50pm
Chris Kearns wrote on 05/10/10 at 9:40pm:
hobby31 wrote on 05/10/10 at 6:47pm:
This is the problem, if there are to many no calls and they say police yourself and the guy wont fight, then the issue is unresolved.
therefore leaving the guy who should be penalized thinking he can keep on doing it and retaining his points and the rest of the guys thinkin WTF ill just retaliate. see the problem? We already pay to much money to go make Chris Kerns money, why tear up our cars? so he can make more and we can spend more?

Alright. I really thought all of these posts made sense til I got to this one.

You guys tear your cars up, not me or the officials or the Speedway. You can only be upset with eachother.

I dont make more money if you tear your cars up.

Did you see that crowd Sat? You guys didnt make me any money this week!!!

Why dont you guys get together and learn to respect each other. Everyone of you on here Bitching about rough driving has also been guilty of rough driving.

I dont want to be a Babysitter!!!

Then make the call and it will make sense. Mabe ive been guilty of rough driving but thats when i was still in diapers and by the way my mom needs a baby sitter for me saturday night, she asked if you could watch me again?
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LMR Member

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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #51 - 05/11/10 at 5:39am
"Here is why........ Their aint nothin' in whole racin' world that is worse than gettin assblasted in a corner and having the entire f' ing field of cars comming at you at full tilt. Hoping they check up in time. It sends the most bone chilling feeling up your spine like no other. If you come through without a blow it off in your head cause you'd quit racin if you dont. Then it sets in that you were just screwed dry with hand full of sand thrown in for good measure.
If you spin yourself out the chill goes away a bit quicker cause you did it to yourself. You feel stupid but quickly get over it if nobody hits you."
Been there...close your eyes..grit your teeth...pray...   still have nightmare bout that every once in awhile... Cheesy
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #52 - 05/11/10 at 11:58am
Chris Kearns wrote on 05/10/10 at 9:40pm:
You guys tear your cars up, not me or the officials or the Speedway. You can only be upset with eachother.

Our cars get torn up because guys to offten drive over their heads and rough drive each other because they know they can get away with it.  

I dont make more money if you tear your cars up.

If more rough driving calls resulting in black flagging the rough driviers off the track are made the number of cars getting torn up will drop

Did you see that crowd Sat? You guys didnt make me any money this week!!!

You will have more fans in the stands as a direct result of higher car counts if the black flag calls are made.

Why dont you guys get together and learn to respect each other. Everyone of you on here Bitching about rough driving has also been guilty of rough driving.

That is true. And we all are getting together on this thread voicing opinions, obsevations, facts and in some cases bitching but.....
The "no calls" being made for rough driving is the issue of this thread. I will take any repremand that you decide to hand down I am not hiding from the fact I was in the wrong for my part in being taken out by the 15 Car  

I dont want to be a Babysitter!!!

I dont need one.....Thanks

Glen Sparks
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #53 - 05/11/10 at 12:34pm
At around 8:20PM Monday the 10th

I recived a 2 phone calls and a text msg from Mr. Fraizer the driver of the 15 Car, I hit the reject button on all 3, and here we are reading this post.

Mr. Fraizer if you have anything at all to say you state it here in this public forum, we have all come this far, might as well start to wrap it up here, for all to see
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I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 525

Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #54 - 05/11/10 at 12:58pm
nice to see you again glen!!!wish the race would of ended different for you but it didnt

p.s for all those that keep sayin glen had a blue cone get it right it was not a cone,that was his gas funnel that he threw everything in his tool box out to get to i saw this with my own eyes lol :-D
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I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 525

Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #55 - 05/11/10 at 2:09pm
Do you know that were talkin about hobby stocks where iwas just someone watching i thought so...!!! mr race car i have had just about enoug of your faceless comments on here towards everyone and that now includes me if you wanna step up and go ahead and tell everyone who you are that might help a little bit with believing anythign you say since you have so many race cars but never are anywhere. As far as the usac race we have no rule for passing on the berm in the drivers meeting the track told them they put in a bigger berm and it was there. so until you start sayin who you are and are actually at the races i dont have anything more to say to you. thank mr racecar35

see you sat racecar35 maybe haha dont think hiding behind a name dont mean i dont know who you are.
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LMR Senior


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orcutt calif
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #56 - 05/11/10 at 2:28pm
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LMR Rookie

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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #57 - 05/11/10 at 2:48pm
hobby87s wrote on 05/11/10 at 2:28pm:

you keep saying that. well why dont you buy mine race ready.4,500.00
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LMR Senior

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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #58 - 05/11/10 at 2:51pm
kartracer8 wrote on 05/11/10 at 12:58pm:
nice to see you again glen!!!wish the race would of ended different for you but it didnt

p.s for all those that keep sayin glen had a blue cone get it right it was not a cone,that was his gas funnel that he threw everything in his tool box out to get to i saw this with my own eyes lol :-D

sorry doug i was the one that said blue cone! i knew it wasnt a road cone because they are orange but it was cone shaped. i was seeing this through a 2 inch screen zoomed out full it was hard to tell what it was. funny as hell though cant wait to see it wed night at me n ed's. (and no i dont get kick back's from them lol)
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I love YaBB 1G -

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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #59 - 05/11/10 at 3:08pm
I think "the meetin' place" better have someone outside selling advance tickets, THEN have everyone go through a metal detector before entering the building.  

Those arriving late will have to wait for the second seating show.
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I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 525

Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #60 - 05/11/10 at 3:15pm
dario wrote on 05/11/10 at 2:51pm:
kartracer8 wrote on 05/11/10 at 12:58pm:
nice to see you again glen!!!wish the race would of ended different for you but it didnt

p.s for all those that keep sayin glen had a blue cone get it right it was not a cone,that was his gas funnel that he threw everything in his tool box out to get to i saw this with my own eyes lol :-D

sorry doug i was the one that said blue cone! i knew it wasnt a road cone because they are orange but it was cone shaped. i was seeing this through a 2 inch screen zoomed out full it was hard to tell what it was. funny as hell though cant wait to see it wed night at me n ed's. (and no i dont get kick back's from them lol)

i know dario that was just a little fun i was poking because the race was entertaining and i just happened to see that so i wanted to add some humor to it bc my goodness was that hillarious when he pulled that out haha.
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #61 - 05/11/10 at 4:29pm
kartracer8 wrote on 05/11/10 at 3:15pm:
dario wrote on 05/11/10 at 2:51pm:
kartracer8 wrote on 05/11/10 at 12:58pm:
nice to see you again glen!!!wish the race would of ended different for you but it didnt

p.s for all those that keep sayin glen had a blue cone get it right it was not a cone,that was his gas funnel that he threw everything in his tool box out to get to i saw this with my own eyes lol :-D

sorry doug i was the one that said blue cone! i knew it wasnt a road cone because they are orange but it was cone shaped. i was seeing this through a 2 inch screen zoomed out full it was hard to tell what it was. funny as hell though cant wait to see it wed night at me n ed's. (and no i dont get kick back's from them lol)

i know dario that was just a little fun i was poking because the race was entertaining and i just happened to see that so i wanted to add some humor to it bc my goodness was that hillarious when he pulled that out haha.

i still think the funniest part of the evening was when kearns said that fanny wrappers had a lot of nice "TOYS"!! i dont know how many people caught that and normally i dont comment when i am filming for mike but me and my friend george lost it!!!!
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I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 525

Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #62 - 05/11/10 at 4:57pm
kartracer8 wrote on 05/11/10 at 2:09pm:
Do you know that were talkin about hobby stocks where iwas just someone watching i thought so...!!! mr race car i have had just about enoug of your faceless comments on here towards everyone and that now includes me if you wanna step up and go ahead and tell everyone who you are that might help a little bit with believing anythign you say since you have so many race cars but never are anywhere. As far as the usac race we have no rule for passing on the berm in the drivers meeting the track told them they put in a bigger berm and it was there. so until you start sayin who you are and are actually at the races i dont have anything more to say to you. thank mr racecar35

see you sat racecar35 maybe haha dont think hiding behind a name dont mean i dont know who you are.

Well Doug I'm not hiding behind a screen name I'm from the Chico area so I dont think you know who I am. But if you do please say!!! Smiley

you sure know alot for being from chico.. be real you arent from there but i ask you one more time WHAT IS YOUR NAME? only one person knows about the berm thing and it just happens to be someone you call to get updates so you tell me whats your name?>
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Chris Kearns

Posts: 4133

Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #63 - 05/11/10 at 5:24pm
His name is James and he is really looking like an idiot right now. I will be sure the current track he works for knows he is on here talking trash.

He is a former official that I had to fire.
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If you aint first
your last!! Shake N

Posts: 1228

Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #64 - 05/11/10 at 5:29pm
And the truth shall make you free!!! But maybe not in this case!!
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Posts: 511
Bakersfield Ca
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #65 - 05/11/10 at 5:31pm
Thats rite CK get his A$$!!!!!!!!!
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