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03/03/25 at 2:23pm
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #22 -
05/10/10 at 12:41pm
benstrans wrote
on 05/10/10 at 12:18pm:
I was NOT there Sat nite so I have NO firsthand knowledge of these 'alleged' incidents.
What I sense here is a possible conspiracy between the driver of a certain Chrysler powered race car and an un-named restaurant who have combined forces to increase sales of a certain Italian style pie.
Since the star witness, who icliams to have the video 'proof', also goes by an Italian name, this could have very deep roots.
How dare you Mr. Caswell come on this thread and throw water on my.......... YOU TRAITOR !!! (Mopar or no car)..... Toyotas suck..
I cant just sit around and not say anything or do nothing about this issue of rough driving and no calls being made. You know what I am talking about, its got to stop. The racing will be more exciting for the competitors and the fans. The car counts will go up. (if the nations economy helps out on the car counts part.)
Video proof at Me & Eds Wednesday Night
or mizzleproductons.com
or Santa Maria Speedway souvenir booth.
Glen Sparks
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LMR Senior
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Grover Beach
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #23 -
05/10/10 at 1:47pm
Scoval, SLM 47 is either chet or duane Buckwheat. He is the guy that always has a comment with a little kiss butt to the track on the side. I think he would date Tom B, Tim B, or Tom flagman is they werent married. Dont ask dont tell is my motto!
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LMR Rookie
Dirt Late Models
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #24 -
05/10/10 at 2:47pm
I stopped on the back stretch and told the official to black flag him,
end of story, My word is final, dont they get that?
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We bust our a$$ to
kick yours-!!!
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #25 -
05/10/10 at 3:23pm
The track should have a remote kill switch like the monster trucks.
Track doesn't like what a car is doing, hit the kill button-lol
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DSClaimer: I have no DNA evidence that my post is absolutely 100% true and accurate, and frankly don't care !
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LMR Senior
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #26 -
05/10/10 at 3:32pm
gl_rayburn98 wrote
on 05/10/10 at 1:47pm:
Scoval, SLM 47 is either chet or duane Buckwheat. He is the guy that always has a comment with a little kiss butt to the track on the side. I think he would date Tom B, Tim B, or Tom flagman is they werent married. Dont ask dont tell is my motto!
Glenn, my point is its racing and mistakes are made bad and good. Not hatin on you at all. You sound very frustrated. Gary as for wanting to date the SMS crew.lol Ah its called respect, you need some. Just because I think they do a good job and work hard. Again Glenn no hard feelings. Chet B. SLM47
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LMR Senior
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #27 -
05/10/10 at 4:48pm
all negativity aside......the main thing i like about the hobby stock class this year is that there have been 4 different winners in 4 different races. no matter who THINKS should have won.
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Ex Member
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #28 -
05/10/10 at 6:09pm
Quote: Chet B. SLM47
Glenn, my point is its racing and mistakes are made bad and good. Not hatin on you at all. You sound very frustrated.
Read the original post again.....
No hard feelings
And yes I am tired of getting run into by the 15 Car and seeing him do it to others without anything being done. He did not just start driving last week. Fraizer knows what he is doing. So do I. I will not be giving up on this issue as stated already, not a chance... The rough driving all around has got to stop not just in this class either. I am assuming the Mod guys would agree. Again as stated before that a guy would have to be a complete moron to even think about taking sombody out if they new that they were going to be black flagged off the track for it. If I do something to warrent the black flag I will accept full responsabilty for it.
Glen Sparks
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LMR Rookie
Dirt Late Models
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #29 -
05/10/10 at 6:26pm
Should Mike F take a week off? no
Should Glen take a week off? no
Should we say the speedway made the right call? hell no
But lets all pull up our big girl panties and race
I do agree with Glen
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If you aint first
your last!! Shake N
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #30 -
05/10/10 at 6:27pm
hobby31 wrote
on 05/10/10 at 6:26pm:
Should Mike F take a week off? no
Should Glen take a week off? no
Should we say the speedway made the right call? hell no
But lets all pull up our big girl panties and race
LMAO I like it!!!
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Ex Member
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #31 -
05/10/10 at 6:43pm
Quote: Chet B. SLM47
Glenn, my point is its racing and mistakes are made bad and good. Not hatin on you at all. You sound very frustrated.
Read the original post again.....
No hard feelings.
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LMR Rookie
Dirt Late Models
Posts: 75
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #32 -
05/10/10 at 6:47pm
This is the problem, if there are to many no calls and they say police yourself and the guy wont fight, then the issue is unresolved.
therefore leaving the guy who should be penalized thinking he can keep on doing it and retaining his points and the rest of the guys thinkin WTF ill just retaliate. see the problem? We already pay to much money to go make Chris Kerns money, why tear up our cars? so he can make more and we can spend more?
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LMR Member
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Arroyo Grande
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #33 -
05/10/10 at 6:52pm
from a guy who was sitting in the third row maybe forth.lol
Frazier does drive rough(in all respect mike)he has a good chance to win a championship and he was doing what he had to do to get there.
Glenn yes your boat does swing wildly in the corners a little more car control and a little less dive bombing.again what the hell do I know.
I was scared as hell when glenn came at mike cause I was near him.wasnt sure where to go.Thanks for not comitting.
Lets all get along,drive like mature adults and have some good clean fun.WE can do (same with me).
Whats done is done let the chips fall where the may.
See ya next sat night(I hope).
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Ex Member
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #34 -
05/10/10 at 7:14pm
hobby31 wrote
on 05/10/10 at 6:26pm:
Should Mike F take a week off? no
Should Glen take a week off? no
Should we say the speedway made the right call? hell no
But lets all pull up our big girl panties and race
I do agree with Glen
Charlie.... Charlie.... Charlie.... Funny post man : )
But if I am the only one still howling about this by Wednesday then so be it... You know when you got your first win you earned that one. And I did every thing I could to to pass you clean. I did bump yas on the exit of 2 one time cause I had a run off from the high side. But it was not a hard shot. (its on the video). The way Fraizer is going about his run for the championship so far has been BS after BS and we are only 3 down. He wont have that sense of accomplishment like you had, if he "takes" the championship it will be a hollow empty nothing worthless feeling.
Glen Sparks
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LMR Senior
Posts: 395
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #35 -
05/10/10 at 7:55pm
[quote author=092B3425367377072536440 link=1273479701/32#35 date=1273544045]
hobby31 wrote
on 05/10/10 at 6:26pm:
Should Mike F take a week off? no
Should Glen take a week off? no
Should we say the speedway made the right call? hell no
But lets all pull up our big girl panties and race
I do agree with Glen
Charlie.... Charlie.... Charlie.... Funny post man : )
But if I am the only one still howling about this by Wednesday then so be it... You know when you got your first win you earned that one. And I did every thing I could to to pass you clean. I did bump yas on the exit of 2 one time cause I had a run off from the high side. But it was not a hard shot. (its on the video). The way Fraizer is going about his run for the championship so far has been BS after BS and we are only 3 down. He wont have that sense of accomplishment like you had, if he "takes" the championship it will be a hollow empty nothing worthless feeling.
Glen Sparks
Let it rest Glen, your just making it worse. We understand how you feel.
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #36 -
05/10/10 at 7:59pm
READ#29 wrote
on 05/10/10 at 6:52pm:
from a guy who was sitting in the third row maybe forth.lol
Frazier does drive rough(in all respect mike)he has a good chance to win a championship and he was doing what he had to do to get there.
Glenn yes your boat does swing wildly in the corners a little more car control and a little less dive bombing.again what the hell do I know.
Yes Robert I agree with you, just the part of "what the hell do you know."
I was scared as hell when glenn came at mike cause I was near him.wasnt sure where to go.Thanks for not comitting.
I couldnt do it...No problem
Lets all get along,drive like mature adults and have some good clean fun.WE can do (same with me).
Thats up to Fraizer...when a guy gets into your quarter pannel, a solid shot, then motors up.....thats BS and there is no mistake about it. See it on Wednesday at Me & Eds Pizza
Whats done is done let the chips fall where the may.
See ya next sat night(I hope).
I hope so to. I am not done yet
Glen Sparks
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LMR Rookie
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #37 -
05/10/10 at 8:25pm
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Dirt Late Models
Posts: 652
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #38 -
05/10/10 at 8:44pm
This is way better then madhouse.LOL Ithink we should all see if CBSorNBC would pick this up as a new series.LOL As the cars go round.LOL
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LMR Senior
Posts: 395
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #39 -
05/10/10 at 8:48pm
Danny Simkins told me one time, if you dont want to get hit from behind! then you better speed up!
I would always think of that when i was getting hit from behind, I had to replace a few rear bumpers but i never had to replace the front one!
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LMR Member
I Love SS Racing
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #40 -
05/10/10 at 9:24pm
Glenn, This is Tom B. I understand how you feel I have had a car in my driver door coming around trun three and I was on the burm so he was in the infield. And I was going to win my first main. He drove me up the track, Then he truned off of me and won the race. I also have been truned around a few times. I hated the officials and blamed them. Now that I help out I understand how hard it is to see what every car is doing at all times. We all try to catch everything. I don't make the calls. I was looking at trun one and then I looked back at trun three. Did he bump you twice? I saw you sideways and the 15 car turned right and bumped you. It looked like to me he was on the brakes and tryed to miss you. I hope they got it on video. I hate to say this but what you did should have got you kicked out for life, at the very least the year. You used your car as a weapon. I like watching you run so I'm glad you only got black flaged for the night. I'll be doing track prep Wednesday night so I can't be at pizza. I hope someone will post the results of the video.
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LMR Senior
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Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #41 -
05/10/10 at 9:34pm
i did the video for mike tom and yes it is all there. too bad you cant make it for pizza it should be interesting.
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Chris Kearns
Posts: 4133
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #42 -
05/10/10 at 9:40pm
hobby31 wrote
on 05/10/10 at 6:47pm:
This is the problem, if there are to many no calls and they say police yourself and the guy wont fight, then the issue is unresolved.
therefore leaving the guy who should be penalized thinking he can keep on doing it and retaining his points and the rest of the guys thinkin WTF ill just retaliate. see the problem? We already pay to much money to go make Chris Kerns money, why tear up our cars? so he can make more and we can spend more?
Alright. I really thought all of these posts made sense til I got to this one.
You guys tear your cars up, not me or the officials or the Speedway. You can only be upset with eachother.
I dont make more money if you tear your cars up.
Did you see that crowd Sat? You guys didnt make me any money this week!!!
Why dont you guys get together and learn to respect each other. Everyone of you on here Bitching about rough driving has also been guilty of rough driving.
I dont want to be a Babysitter!!!
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I love YaBB 1G -
Posts: 1548
Re: sms where do i start? ...........THIS IS WHERE I START
Reply #43 -
05/10/10 at 9:55pm
Why dont you guys get together and learn to respect each other. Everyone of you on here Bitching about rough driving has also been guilty of rough driving.
I must DISAGREE with that one point.
I have ONLY been OFFICIALLY accused of "agressive driving", NEVER "rough driving".
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