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Saturday Night RacerSaturday Night RacerSATURDAY NIGHT RACER › Victorville

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Victorville (Read 6795 times)

GATOR  Eng    

Posts: 603
Bakersfield, CA
11/26/06 at 9:12am
Report from Bill Stevens for friday, about 15 SS showed and the Heaslet entry had his side board. Normal complaints were filed, but Keith verified the rules before he left town and was allowed to race. Keith won the heat and the qualifier main and was asked by the promoter in front of the crowd how much it would cost to remove the board. Keith conceded to starting in the rear of the main Sunday.
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http://www.bear-mountain-auto-repair.com/perf-heads / DeAngelo's paint Central Valley Tank of Fresno
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Posts: 1062
Re: Victorville
Reply #1 - 11/26/06 at 8:40pm
Update from Victorville--

Heaslet went from about 11th to 7th in half a lap but a yellow caused a complete restart. Something happened on said restart and Heaslet dropped off the pace right away. Seemed like a tranny problem. He completed 1 lap and pulled off.

Jason Wilson finished 4th place in the All American main.

Michael Johnson won the Street Stock main event, and then gave everyone a heart attack on his way to a 3rd place finish in the Figure 8 Race.

I came from 9th to run 3rd after about 8 laps in the Hornet race and was gaining on the leaders, but another driver got into the back of me setting off a chain reaction of annoying events including a flat tire and a driver plowing me in the rear, leaving me many laps down at the finish. Bakersfield's Tina Wheeler lead most of the main to go on to win her first career race!

Scooter Black finished third in the Jr Mini race after his main car was destroyed in the Hornet race. Brian Childress finished 5th.

Other cars that I know were there from Bakersfield (or who I think are Bakersfield include)

37 Aaron Stewart
29 Tina Wheeler
7 Billy Zenger
5 Larry Collins
33 Johnny Wood
71 Kyle Wilson
10 Scott "Scooter" Black

Jr Hornet
10/71 Scott "Scooter" Black
4 Brian Childress

All American
9 Jason Wilson

Street Stock
22 Michael Johnson
74 Wayne Dotson
74w Brady Bell
6 Robert Lawler
16 Roy Degeer Sr
16x Danny Quinn

Super Street
5 Keith Heaslet
7 John Beddingfield Jr (?)

87 Buck Cox
87x Chett Reaves
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LMR Senior

ready to have fun in

Posts: 305
Re: Victorville
Reply #2 - 11/27/06 at 8:38am
figure 8 is the funnist thing you can do in a race car bakersfield needs it
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Posts: 1062
Re: Victorville
Reply #3 - 11/27/06 at 9:07am
Michael, a few quick questions--

Did Jannell know you were gonna run figure 8?

Did she approve?

Did she watch?

Did she punch you afterwards? Wink


Got taken out by a Parris car, a Bakersfield car, and then a Victorville car-- at least that proves no one was playing favorites.
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LMR Rookie

Posts: 51

Re: Victorville
Reply #4 - 11/27/06 at 10:38am
My name is johnny bedingfield and i drove my first super street race in victorville this weekend. for local guys from bako i drove the #5 hobby stock this year in bakersfield. Started building the #7 condors car about 4 months ago. Bill stevens drove the car in the bako nationals he also did alot of the work putting the car together. In the heat race the car had a bad push. our i wasnt driving it in hard enough anyways finished last in the heat. started in the back of the main. the many adjustments that bill did for the main worked very well. By lap 25 i worked my way up to 4 place. was trying to catch the 3e car for third and drove up the wall coming out of turn 2. dropped to 5th and stayed their for the rest of the race. as the race went caution free for the remainder. The car was better than the driver for i thought we might of ended up third but oh well it was alot of fun. Thanks to Bill Stevens, Keith Heaslet, and robby bobby for all the advice. Without all of Stevens help i wouldnt even of been their. Last, i would like to think victorville speedway and all their staff for a hell of a time it was awesome. Cant wait till next year.
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Hobby Stock 37
Bakersfield Speedway

Posts: 765

Re: Victorville
Reply #5 - 11/27/06 at 11:03am
Good job Johnny,  Aaron and I left before your race was over so didn't have any results. Your car looks great.
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Love the smell of
nitro in the air

Posts: 1700

Re: Victorville
Reply #6 - 11/27/06 at 11:49am
Who won the Super Stock class Sun? Did Chris end up going? He told he was Sat nite in Imperial.
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We bust our a$$ to
kick yours-!!!

Posts: 3933

Re: Victorville
Reply #7 - 11/27/06 at 12:02pm
sj_valley_dave wrote on 11/27/06 at 11:49am:
Who won the Super Stock class Sun? Did Chris end up going? He told he was Sat nite in Imperial.

3D (Smith) was there, as was 06 ( Becker ), 3(Ed Perry), and the # 1 (Shackelford).

#37 (Mike Morris) won
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DSClaimer: I have no DNA evidence that my post is absolutely 100% true and accurate, and frankly don't care !
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Love the smell of
nitro in the air

Posts: 1700

Re: Victorville
Reply #8 - 11/27/06 at 12:37pm
Thanks for the info, we were going to go with Lee and Rich, but Lee blew up Rich decided not to go and we decided just to go home also...oh well sounds like it was good!  How did Chris do? Did the 72 get his back together to go?
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LMR Senior

Posts: 313
Buena Park, CA
Re: Victorville
Reply #9 - 11/27/06 at 12:47pm
Quote"Got taken out by a Parris car, a Bakersfield car, and then a Victorville car-- at least that proves no one was playing favorites."Quote

Sorry Aaron, i looked for you after the race to appologize but i could not find you, i got a better run off the corner than i thought and got into you i appologize.
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Mike Hudson #25 Modified Sponsored by, Fantasy Muffler,http://www.cfrperformance.com/default.asp , Obnoxious Racing Engines, MW design, http://www.metrofluid.com/ and http://revcoprecision.com/
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Posts: 1062
Re: Victorville
Reply #10 - 11/27/06 at 12:52pm
I tend to become very elusive when I take one of my 'post bad finish' walks. Wink

I'm just glad you apologized. I tried to save myself a couple of times but just with how loose the dirt was on the infield kept me from saving myself quicker.

Look forward to racing with you in 07, Mike. Maybe we'll try to hit a few other tracks as well but it's all up in the air right now.

I'll be honest, I chuckled just a little when I was working through traffic after changing my flat and saw some lappers slide up infront of you and block you in.
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LMR Rookie

Posts: 51

Re: Victorville
Reply #11 - 11/27/06 at 12:59pm
thank you wally for the reply
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LMR Senior

I am gunna get that

Posts: 386

Re: Victorville
Reply #12 - 11/27/06 at 1:01pm
72 didn't race. Almost in a wreck on the way back, but showed at victorville to help Dave & Chris get the 3D ready to race, then home. After a wrecked race car and an almost wrecked tow vechicle, my week end was done!
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Larry Blake
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LMR Senior

I am gunna get that

Posts: 386

Re: Victorville
Reply #13 - 11/27/06 at 1:10pm
SS72 wrote on 11/27/06 at 1:01pm:
72 didn't race. Almost in a wreck on the way back, but showed at victorville to help Dave & Chris get the 3D ready to race, then home. After a wrecked race car and an almost wrecked tow vechicle, my week end was done!

Best to just get ready for good fun racing next year!! I hope everyone else has the same.
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Larry Blake
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Love the smell of
nitro in the air

Posts: 1700

Re: Victorville
Reply #14 - 11/27/06 at 1:21pm
Wow, you guys had an eventful weekend! How did the 3D car do at Victorville. He was fast at Imperial till his problems showed up.
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We bust our a$$ to
kick yours-!!!

Posts: 3933

Re: Victorville
Reply #15 - 11/27/06 at 1:33pm
sj_valley_dave wrote on 11/27/06 at 1:21pm:
Wow, you guys had an eventful weekend! How did the 3D car do at Victorville. He was fast at Imperial till his problems showed up.

We don't know how we finished officially, as we were black flagged after being collected in a 2nd yellow, the 1st being a spin caused by contact with another car.

We should have finished around 10th or so--Dave
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DSClaimer: I have no DNA evidence that my post is absolutely 100% true and accurate, and frankly don't care !
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LMR Senior

I am gunna get that

Posts: 386

Re: Victorville
Reply #16 - 11/27/06 at 2:00pm
I didn't stay, but I talked to Chris on his way home, and i believe he said that, he was involved in two seperate incidents and in the second incident, he hit this guy that had spun almost head on and never lost movement, but the sob officals black flag him off, because it's like the two spin rule your out. Position he placed I don't know. So basically the hole week end mushroomed, in not to good of finishes. No I take that back, the way it sounds from Imperial, that Chris may have ended up 3rd or fourth after the dq's, which is not to bad a finish after missing the scales after the heat race, and that D--K head that drove over the top of him in the B main. But you know this year is over and get a fresh new start next year. If next year is better than this one it will be fantastic one.
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Larry Blake
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Ex Member

Re: Victorville
Reply #17 - 11/27/06 at 5:24pm
I pretty much sucked this weekend. I hate that I don't live closer to Dave, at least then I could help him fix the car that I darn near killed!
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We bust our a$$ to
kick yours-!!!

Posts: 3933

Re: Victorville
Reply #18 - 11/27/06 at 7:06pm
well one thing is now we can wait to see if and what what the Bako body rule ammendments consist of and work from there.
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DSClaimer: I have no DNA evidence that my post is absolutely 100% true and accurate, and frankly don't care !
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LMR Rookie

I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 13

Re: Victorville
Reply #19 - 11/27/06 at 9:14pm
who won the mod race?wally  that was me that passed you going down garlock hill. i hit the bottom at 90 was trying to get rid of the guy behind me his headlights was too bright for me. see everyone next years jack
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Trinity Motorsports

To God Be The Glory!

Posts: 823

Re: Victorville
Reply #20 - 11/27/06 at 11:02pm
can we get a complete results list for all divisions please?  Hope everyone had a great time, sure wish we could have come over and joined the fun!!

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