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Wes Hurst Memorial Update.... (Read 4508 times)
LMR Member

Posts: 137
Wes Hurst Memorial Update....
11/23/06 at 8:56pm
I spent a while at the track tonite and here is a list of who is here already with MANY more expected overnight and into tomorrow. Last year we had 81 Mods, so hopefully we are around the same come tomorrow.

11      Pete Johanneck      Surprise, Arizona
50      Roy Poeling      Golbe, Arizona
56      Norman Uptain      Miami, Arizona
3m      Mitchell Mohler      Flagstaff, Arizona
9      Monty Nordyke      Holly, Colorado
111      Dennis Heath      Colorado Springs, Colorado
9m      Mike Masters      Tucson, Arizona
5x      Butch Reid Sr.      Albuquerque, New Mexico
55      Mike Bobince      Phoenix, Arizona
74      James Seaton      Phoenix, Arizona
91      Dale Jones      Peoria, Arizona
88      Brian Clark      Tucson, Arizona
88n      Dick O'Neal      Tucson, Arizona
64      Jodi Carter      Mesa, Arizona
53t      Jeremy Osborn      Phoenix, Arizona
505      Aaron Atkinson      Phoenix, Arizona
98      Alex Stanford      Chowchilla, California
7      Garrett Steitz      Los Banos, Californica
51      Jason Kirkpatrick      Mosca, Colorado
3d      Brian Ayers      Tucson, Arizona
91      Lance Mari      El Centro, California
19      Aaron Mari      El Centro, California
4      Johnny Scott      Las Cruces, New Mexico
7b      Ricky Bogart      Phoenix, Arizona
5l      Rick Lovelady      Amarillo, Texas
11      Richie Tosh      Saledo, Arkansas
51      Jay Rosales      Las Cruces, New Mexico
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LMR Member

Posts: 137
Re: Wes Hurst Memorial Update....
Reply #1 - 11/24/06 at 11:26pm
We saw a GREAT night of racing tonite, with 77 Modifieds from 9 states here. Here are the results with a few notes at the bottom.

2nd Annual Wes Hurst Memorial

 Central Arizona Raceway ~  Casa Grande, AZ

(Friday, November 24th 2006)

Heat 1: Terry Phillips, Richie Tosh, Robert Adams, Eddie Martin, Bumper Jones, Garret Steitz, Connor Pullen, Jay Foster, Mark Allison, Jack Sullivan

Heat 2: Christy Georges, Ricky Thornton Jr., Tom Lucas, Ryan McDaniel, Dale Jones, Stormy Scott, Jason Kirkpatrick, Aaron Mari, Mike Masters, Darren Williams

Heat 3: Johnny Scott, Rob Sanders, Brian Clark, Jeremy Thornton, Royal Jones, Monte Nordyke, Tim Palmer, Terry Martzall, Kenny Wyman, Roy Poeling

Heat 4: Jesse Stoval, Norman Uptain, Mitchell Moeller, Nick O’Neil, Marcus Aue, Dennis Heath, Clint Fouts, Glen Thurman, RC Whitwell, James Seaton

Heat 5: Jay Rosales, Gene Parvin, Jason Soyko, Kellen Chadwick, John Cox, Alex Stanford, Rick Lovelady, Chris Sims, Cody Alvarez, Aaron Atkinson

Heat 6: Alan Sharpensteen, Mark Harrison, Sherman Barnett, Jason Noll, Jeff Stafford, Brian Ayers, Jeff Gibson, Ralph Dutcher, Terry Belcher Jr.

Heat 7: Chad Wheeler, Richard Johnson, Dave Craft, Art Schertz, Ricky Bogart, Jeremy Osborn, Carlos Auhmada, Jodi Carter, Jeff Thomas

Heat 8: Fito Gallardo, Pat Carney, Curt Barnett, Joe Mullins, George Fronsman, James Pautot, Joe Carr, Lance Mari, Paul Banghart

Heat 9: Richie Tosh, Eddie Martin, Connor Pullen, Garret Steitz, Mark Allison, Jack Sullivan, Bumper Jones, Jay Foster, Robert Adams

Heat 10: Stormy Scott, Tom Lucas, Ryan McDaniel, Dale Jones, Ricky Thornton Jr., Jason Kirkpatrick, Mike Masters, Lance Mari, Darren Williams

Heat 11: Jeremy Thornton, Royal Jones, Brian Clark, Monty Nordyke, Roy Poeling, Tim Palmer, Bob Sanders, Terry Martzall, Kenny Wyman

Heat 12: Norman Uptain, RC Whitwell, Nick O’Neil, Clint Fouts, Glen Thurman, Dennis Heath, Marcus Aue, Mitchell Moeller, James Seaton

Heat 13: Kellen Chadwick, Alex Stanford, Jason Soyko, Gene Parvin, John Cox, Cody Alvarez, Aaron Atkinson, Chris Sims, Rick Lovelady

Heat 14: Sherman Barnett, Jason Noll, Brian Ayers, Ralph Dutcher, Mark Harrison, Jeff Stafford, Jeff Gibson, Terry Belcher Jr.

Heat 15: Richard Johnson, Art Schertz, Dave Craft, Ricky Bogart, Carlos Auhmada, Jeff Thomas, Jeremy Osborn, Jodi Carter

Heat 16: Paul Banghart, Pat Carney, Curt Barnett, George Fronsman, Joe Mullins, Joe Carr, Aaron Mari, James Patout

C-Main: Jack Sullivan, Joe Mullins, Dale Jones, Gene Parvin, Garrett Steitz, Mark Harrison, Monte Nordyke, John Cox, Mark Allison, Ralph Dutcher, Tim Palmer, Clint Fouts, Jeff Thomas, Dennis Heath, Roy Poeling, Cody Alvarez, Glen Thurman Joe Carr (NF), Carlos Auhmada (NF), Ricky Bogart (NF), George Fronsman (NF), Ricky Thornton Jr. (NF), Jason Kirkpatrick (NS), Jeff Gibson (NS)

B-Main: Eddie Martin, RC Whitwell, Tom Lucas, Curt Barnett, Jack Sullivan, Pat Carney, Jason Noll, Alex Stanford, Joe Mullins, Jason Stoyko, Garrett Steitz, Royal Jones, Brian Clark, Mark Harrison, John Cox, Art Shertz, Brian Ayers, Nick O’Neil, Connor Pullen (NF), Dale Jones (NF), Monty Nordyke (NF), Dave Craft (NF), Gene Parvin (NF), Ryan McDaniel (NF)

Qualifying A-Main: (Top 5 to Wes Hurst Memorial Main Event) Richie Tosh, Terry Phillips, Christy Georges, Alan Sharpensteen, Stormy Scott, Fito Gallardo, Kellen Chadwick, Curt Barnett, Alex Stanford, RC Whitwell, Jason Noll, Jay Rosales, Pat Carney, Tom Lucas, Jeremy Thornton, Richard Johnson, Sherman Barnett (-1), Paul Banghart (NF), Norman Uptain (NF), Eddie Martin (NF), Jesse Stoval (NF), Jack Sullivan (NF), Johnny Scott (NF), Chad Wheeler (DQ – Finished 1st)

** 77 Modifieds**

** 9 states represented (AZ, NM, TX, AR, CO, CA, MO, NC, NV)

**Muskogee, Oklahoma young driver Chad Wheeler put on a GREAT show after starting 5th and passing early leader Terry Phillips and winning the main event, only to have his win stripped because of a rule infraction. He ran a mud plug in his right front wheel and that is a no-no under the Barnett mod rules, so he was DQ'ed after his win, giving the win to 9th starting Richie Tosh.

**The top 5 finishers are locked into Sunday's show and do not have to race tomorrow.

**Jack Sullivan had a killer run from 17th win the C-feature, then from 17th to 5th in the b-main only to drop out of the feature while marching forward.

**We should see another good show tomorrow to lock in another 5 cars to Sunday's $8,000 to win main event.
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Posts: 570
Re: Wes Hurst Memorial Update....
Reply #2 - 11/24/06 at 11:56pm
It was a great night of racing for sure.  The A-Main was a little choppy because they had a lot of yellows early.  Wheeler had them covered, and that right-front mud-puck rule DQ might be the most ticky-tack DQ I have ever seen.  There is no way in this world that that wheel cover helped him win.  NONE!

What makes it worse is that both he and Stoval asked the tech crew to check over their cars before racing began and they were ok'd pre-race with the right front wheel cover.
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LMR Member

dirt racing kicks
nascars butt!!!

Posts: 177

Re: Wes Hurst Memorial Update....
Reply #3 - 11/25/06 at 8:13am
hey cls  racer   thats a great job of writing and letting us race fans know whats happening there.  I was just wondering where  were jeremy payne and jeff taylor???
I also agree that was a very bogus dq  because by the main event there would have been no mud at car.
I know how much rubber that track takes and its  never muddy so other than holding a little heat in during the yellows that mud plug did absolutely no good.  And then for the offiacials to tech him and say it was ok to race and then dq him after is not right.  thanks for the report and we will expect another good report from you tonight.
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LMR Member

Posts: 137
Re: Wes Hurst Memorial Update....
Reply #4 - 11/25/06 at 6:16pm
Payne and Taylor were reportedly working feverishly to get some Taylor-Shaw cars finished before the holidays and regretably had to skip this show.

2nd Annual Wes Hurst Memorial
Central Arizona Raceway ~ Casa Grande, Arizona
Modified Event Winners (Saturday, November 25th 2006)

Heat 1: Jack Sullivan, Alex Stanford, Gito Gallardo, Brian Ayers, Jay Foster, Jeremy Thornton, James Pautot, Richard Johnson, Mark Allison, Ralph Dutcher

Heat 2: Chad Wheeler, Kellen Chadwick, RC Whitwell, Dana Fite, Rick Lovelady, Monte Nordyke, Mark Harrison, Nick O’Neil, Ricky Bogart, Chris Sims

Heat 3: Jay Rosales, Jason Soyko, Garrett Steitz, Gene Parvin, Bumper Jones, Kenny Wyman, Dave Craft, Robert Adams, Shawn Zalenka

Heat 4: Jesse Stoval, Paul Banghart, Ryan McDaniel, Sherman Barnett, Darren Williams, Clint Fouts, Lance Mari, Glen Thurman, Ricky Thornton Jr.

Heat 5: Johnny Scott, Royal Jones, Curt Barnett, Jason Noll, Brian Clark, Dale Jones, Jeff Gibson, Jeff Thomas, Cody Alvarez

Heat 6: George Fronsman, Terry Belcher Jr., Art Shertz, John Cox, Jeff Stafford, Joe Carr, Dennis Heath, Jodi Carter, Aaron Atkinson

Heat 7: Pat Carney, Aaron Mari, Carlos Auhmada, Crad Campbell, Bob Sanders, James Seaton, Joe Parmeley, Mike Masters, Marcus Aue

Heat 8: Eddie Martin, Tom Lucas, Troy Cooke, Mitchell Moeller, Connor Pullen, Joe Mullins, Jason Kirkpatrick, Terry Martzall, Jeremy Osborne

Heat 9: Alex Stanford, Fito Gallardo, Jay Foster, James Pautot, Brian Ayers, Mark Allison, Richard Johnson, Jeremy Thornton, Ralph Dutcher

Heat 10: RC Whitwell, Kellen Chadwick, Rick Lovelady, Dana Fite, Mark Harrison, Ricky Bogart, Monte Nordyke, Nick O’Neil, Chris Sims

Heat 11: Garrett Steitz, Bumper Jones, Jason Soyko, Dave Craft, Shawn Zalenka, Robert Sanders, Kenny Wyman, Gene Parvin

Heat 12: Ryan McDaniel, Darren Williams, Sherman Barnett, Clint Fouts, Paul Banghart, Ricky Thornton, Jr., Lance Mari, Glen Thurman

Heat 13: Curt Barnett, Royal Jones, Jason Noll, Brian Clark, Dale Jones, Jeff Thomas, Cody Alvarez, Jeff Gibson

Heat 14: Terry Belcher Jr., Art Schertz, Jeff Stafford, John Cox, Joe Carr, Aaron Atkinson, Dennis Heath, Jodi Carter

Heat 15: Aaron Mari, Carlos Auhmada, Brad Campbell, James Seaton, Joe Parmeley, Bob Sanders, Mike Masters, Marcus Aue

Heat 16: Troy Cooke, Connor Pullen, Mitchell Moeller, Jason Kirkpatrick, Terry Martzall, Jeremy Osborne, Joe Mullins, Tom Lucas

C-Main: Dana Fite, Clint Fouts, Paul Banghart, Dave Craft, Mark Harrison, John Cox, Brian Clark, James Seaton, Shawn Zalenka, Ricky Thornton Jr., Mark Allison, Joe Parmeley, Robert Adams, Ricky Bogart, Jeremy Osborne, Terry Martzall, Jason Kirkpatrick (-1), Joe Carr (-1), Brian Ayers (NF), Jeff Thomas (NF), Dennis Heath (NF), James Pautot (NF), Dale Jones (NF), Bob Sanders (NS)

B-Main: Kellen Chadwick, Royal Jones, Bumper Jones, Darren Williams, Fito Gallardo, Jason Soyko, Jay Foster, Jason Noll, Sherman Barnett, Brian Clark, John Cox, James Seaton, Brad Campbell, Jeff Stafford, Carlos Auhmada, Clint Fouts (-1), Paul Banghart (NF), Dana Fite (NF), Art Schertz (NF), Dave Craft (NF), Mark Harrison (NF), Connor Pullen (NF), Rick Lovelady (NF), Mitchell Moeller (NS)

Qualifying A-Main: (Top 5 to Wes Hurst Memorial Main Event) Jesse Stoval, Johnny Scott, Eddie Martin, Jack Sullivan, RC Whitwell, Pat Carney, Chad Wheeler, Darren Williams, Alex Stanford, Garrett Steitz, Jason Noll, Kellen Chadwick, Royal Jones, Jay Rosales, Jay Foster, George Fronsman, Ryan McDaniel, Troy Cooke, Aaron Mari (NF), Bumper Jones (NF), Curt Barnett (NF), Terry Belcher Jr. (NF), Jason Soyko (NF), Fito Gallardo (NF)

Dwarf Car Winners (Saturday, November 25th 2006)

Heat 1: Pat Henesey, Randy Johnson, Kevin Stalbaum, Scott Gannett, Helen Henesey, Heather Henesey, Rob Shewmaker

Heat 2: Randy Haugen, Sandy Matthews, Ryan Henesey, Jack Deffbeau, Paul Taylor, Shannon Barton, Erin Harrison

Feature: Sandy Matthews, Pat Henesey, Randy Haugen, Ryan Henesey, Kevin Stalbaum, Paul Taylor, Randy Johnson, Scott Gannett, Jack Deffbeau, Helen Henesey, Heather Henesey, Shannon Barton, Rob Shewmaker, Michael Harrison
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LMR Member

Posts: 137
Re: Wes Hurst Memorial Update....
Reply #5 - 11/27/06 at 5:44am
2nd Annual Wes Hurst Memorial
Central Arizona Raceway ~ Casa Grande, Arizona
Modified Event Winners (Sunday, November 26th 2006)

Last Chance #1: Ricky Bogart, Roy Poeling, Jeremy Thornton, John Cox, James Pautot, Gene Parvin, Chris Olexowicz, Joe Mullins, Clint Fouts, Dennis Heath, Shawn Zalenka, Joe Carr, Art Schertz, KennyWyman, Cody Alvarez, Brandon Eichelberger, Ryan McDaniel, Ralph Dutcher

Last Chance #2: Terry Belcher Jr., Richard Johnson, Troy Cooke, George Fronsman, Dave Craft, Monte Nordyke, Joe Parmeley, Jeff Thomas, Jason Kirkpatrick, Nick O’Neil, Terry Martzall, Chris Sims, James Seaton, Aaron Mari, Jodi Carter, Mitchell Moeller, Brian Ayers, Glen Thurman

Last Chance #3: Butch Reid, Brad Campbell, Brian Clark, Paul Banghart, Bumper Jones, Sherman Barnett, Mark Allison, Ricky Thornton Jr., Carlos Auhmada, Jeff Stafford, Mark Harrison, Dale Jones, Jay Foster, Bob Sanders, Aaron Atkinson, Lance Mari, Tom Lucas

C-Main: Bumper Jones, Terry Belcher Jr., Chris Olexowicz, Butch Reid, Paul Banghart, Richard Johnson, Brad Campbell, Joe Mullins, George Fronsman, Ricky Bogart, Troy Cooke, Roy Poeling, Jeremy Thornton, Gene Parvin, Mark Allison, Brian Clark, Dave Craft, Joe Parmeley, Ricky Thornton Jr., Jeff Thomas (-1), Sherman Barnett (-2), James Pautot (NF), John Cox (NF), Monte Nordyke (NF)

B-Main: Fito Gallardo, Chad Wheeler, Bumper Jones, Pat Carney, Royal Jones, Kellen Chadwick, Alex Stanford, Paul Banghart, Garrett Steitz, Darren Williams, Gene Parvin, Jason Noll, Jay Rosales, Joe Mullins, Richard Johnson, Chris Olexowicz, Brad Campbell, Troy Cooke, George Fronsman, Terry Belcher Jr. (NF), Roy Peoling (NF), Butch Reid (NF), Jeremy Thornton (NF), Ricky Bogart (NF)

A-Main ($8,000 to win): Richie Tosh, Fito Gallardo, Stormy Scott, Jesse Stoval, Terry Phillips, Jack Sullivan, Eddie Martin, RC Whitwell, Pat Carney, Bumper Jones, Kellen Chadwick, Royal Jones, Darren Williams, Jay Rosales, Alex Stanford, Joe Mullins (-1), Garrett Steitz (-1), Gene Parvin (NF), Chad Wheeler (NF), Johnny Scott (NF), Jason Noll (NF), Paul Banghart (NF), Christy Georges (NF), Alan Sharpensteen (NF)

**Terry Phillips took the lead on lap 2 from his third starting spot and lead the majority of the main event, until left front suspension damage hampered his efforts and made his #512 car nearly undrivable. He did a great job holding onto it and salvaging a top five finish. Tosh was a solid second at that point and screamed by for the $8,000 feature win.
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Posts: 570
Re: Wes Hurst Memorial Update....
Reply #6 - 11/27/06 at 9:09pm
It really would have been a very intersting race if not for the caution on lap 27.  It was the only time the leaders got into lappers, and TP was going to run away with it if not for the breakage.  There were guys making moves early, but when it finally rubbered-up, the order was pretty much set in stone.

Good job on the mic all weekend (I still gotta figure out a way to get you to slide in that Brady reference), you're the hardest working guy in (to quote your buddy Teddy) in "show business!"
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LMR Rookie

Posts: 36

Re: Wes Hurst Memorial Update....
Reply #7 - 11/28/06 at 12:01pm
all the pics are up at http://WWW.VPRACE.NET !
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