Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> RACE TECH >> poly brake service lines

Message started by old dirt racer on 05/31/14 at 7:03am

Title: poly brake service lines
Post by old dirt racer on 05/31/14 at 7:03am

our new car has plastic main lines for brakes, driver says pedal feals soft ,our old car has steel lines is this common for poly lines to feal soft pedal Flex ...

Title: Re: poly brake service lines
Post by over4t on 05/31/14 at 12:13pm

Yep, get rid of 'em.

Title: Re: poly brake service lines
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 06/08/14 at 10:54am

I have had them on 2 different cars. Both cars had nice firm pedal. Check pedal mounts and caliper mounts make sure they are not moving. I had a so called shop install hanging pedals in a car and the pedal felt mushy. Discovered the whole assy. Was moving.

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