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Message started by AJ55 on 01/26/13 at 10:12pm

Title: Ventura Raceway's Trackside Vendor
Post by AJ55 on 01/26/13 at 10:12pm


A familiar face will return to Ventura Raceway for the 2013 season as Jack Parker's High Tech Performance returns as the official trackside vendor. High Tech Performance will be on-site for the entire 2013 season with parts and support for competitors in every division. High Tech is well know for it's complete line of parts, where you can find everything from the ground up. During the week you can also find Jack and the crew at his full service race shop in Van Nuys Ca. @ 15144 Raymer Street where you can order anything from custom sheet metal fabrication, bumpers and nerfs, to complete race car. This race shop is molded around the odd hours of the racer, so call anytime it's never to late, 818-908-0943.

High Tech is owned by reigning three time IMCA Modified track champion and Ventura fan favorite Jack Parker. Parker's racing career dates back to the late 50s in Quarter Midgets with his father Les in his home state of New York. Parker has competed at some of the most famous racetracks in California including Ascot park, Saugus Speedway, and now he makes "THE BEST LITTLE DIRT TRACK IN AMERICA", Ventura Raceway his home track.

With their storied history and experience, High Tech will be a welcomed addition to the track, where you will also find Vic, who has crew-chiefed Jack to his three championships, along with Tom & Debbie who will be available to provide you with their expertise and service's.

Title: Re: Ventura Raceway's Trackside Vendor
Post by MODDAD2 on 01/27/13 at 7:32am

great to hear you are back I am sure the hobby guys will appreciate you being there.  good luck


Title: Re: Ventura Raceway's Trackside Vendor
Post by Mighty Quinn Racing on 01/27/13 at 8:50am

looking forward to seeing you all!

Title: Re: Ventura Raceway's Trackside Vendor
Post by Andrew on 01/27/13 at 9:10am

Glad to hear Vic! Welcome back, you Jack and Deb were missed... even though you did still race out there.

Title: Re: Ventura Raceway's Trackside Vendor
Post by Navy Seabee #3 Mod on 01/28/13 at 3:51pm

Ventura raceway just became ONE of the top places to race in the western states with Jack Parker and High TECH there.  The track is poised to be a huge success this year!!! Thanks Jack, Vic , Debbie, and Tom!

Will you be at both practices Feb 16 and 23 with the fuel and parts truck?

John Romero

Title: Re: Ventura Raceway's Trackside Vendor
Post by AJ55 on 01/28/13 at 11:25pm

Yes John we will.

Title: Re: Ventura Raceway's Trackside Vendor
Post by Trinity Motorsports on 01/30/13 at 9:38am

Glad to hear your back.  I can spreak from experience when I say this, your inventory is massive.  People don't realize the cost associated with what you do.  Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Ventura Raceway's Trackside Vendor
Post by AJ55 on 01/30/13 at 11:12am

Thanks Troy as you know it takes years to build inventory for all race cars, then be willing to transport it to the track. Jack does it for his love of the sport and to keep as many cars as possible on the track, for the fans,drivers,owners and the race track.


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