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Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> Ventura Fair Race

Message started by Briggsy on 01/16/13 at 5:38am

Title: Ventura Fair Race
Post by Briggsy on 01/16/13 at 5:38am

Whatever happened to the Thursday Night Ventura fair race for IMCA Modifieds? I was planning on going for that this year, looked at their schedule and  :-/! According to their schedule, they had one last year.

1 VENTURA COUNTY FAIR – VRA Midgets, Dwarf Cars, Hobby Stocks, Demolition Derby

THis sucks!!!!!

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by Mighty Quinn Racing on 01/16/13 at 6:58am

doesnt suck for hobbies!

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by WOOD Racing #13 on 01/16/13 at 8:11am

There is usually two days also and it looks like only one night and no modifieds.  

Like Danny Said it doesn't suck for us Hoobie guys.  I am hoping to make it to Ventura a few times.

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by Briggsy on 01/16/13 at 11:39am

Sucks for IMCA Modified fans/drivers that have supported this race for almost 20 years!

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by Navy Seabee #3 Mod on 01/16/13 at 11:42am

I've heard the is a phone call attack to the track office to add the modifieds to the fair race date.....the office phone number is on there web site....who knows the masses may win....

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by steph on 01/16/13 at 1:34pm

The modified fair race is one of my favorite races of the year. I really hope they reconsider and add it. I don't know why you would even remove it, always a great turnout and tradition!

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by childressJr.16 on 01/16/13 at 4:08pm

probably cause people were complaining so much about mod payout!! believe it was 300 to win the fair race

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by sbracing on 01/18/13 at 5:57pm

They posted the purse on the pit board that night- pretty sure it was $800 to win, possibly more.  The dwarfs were paid $500 to win that night, and they certaintly did not pay the mods less than the dwarfs!

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by childressJr.16 on 01/18/13 at 9:14pm

Ya they get low pay a regular mod event is only like 223 to win its a shittty deal CONSIDERING every where else pays mods 500& UP!!

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by AJ55 on 01/18/13 at 9:57pm

$300.00 to win a main last year.

Title: Re: Ventura Fair Race
Post by Navy Seabee #3 Mod on 01/18/13 at 10:23pm can still be changed. Midgets are not safe for a fair race cause of the amount of people. Im sure the county fair board would like see mods run....Just call them and they will tell you. Sprint cars flipping is a liability with the amont of people in the stands!!!

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