Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.

Message started by imracin68j on 12/31/12 at 9:58am

Title: kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.
Post by imracin68j on 12/31/12 at 9:58am

Here's Kyles entry: https://another site/photo.php?v=10151208123332106

Here's the site for all the racers.  It's pretty cool to see all the clips.

Check out this track on an entry: This really is a circle track.

Title: Re: kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.
Post by NAILIT on 01/05/13 at 10:15am

Done voted

Title: Re: kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.
Post by mudslinger47 on 01/05/13 at 11:10pm

Me three!!!!  once a day, every day, all day.....wait a minute thats a song...

Title: Re: kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.
Post by mudslinger47 on 01/06/13 at 8:30pm

I just spent a half an hour trying to vote for Kyle on that stupid site and it won't let me.  Anyone else having an issue? It says I'm signed in and registered, I even tried to create a new account it says no problem your all set to vote, but when I try it says i must be logged in. Frustrating piece of crap... >:(

Title: Re: kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.
Post by NAILIT on 01/06/13 at 10:44pm

I created an account yesterday and voted. Then today I had to sign in and I was able to vote again.  It is confusing though,  not very user friendly site to navigate...

Title: Re: kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.
Post by Wooliebuger1 on 01/07/13 at 8:08am

Tried to creatate a account to vote, but when it asked for my home phone number, email account and my password to another site, that was enough, sorry just to vote dont need to give out any passowrds to anynone.  Hope he gets the sponsership he wants, and deserves...

Title: Re: kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.
Post by KH22 on 01/14/13 at 8:44pm

Thanks for the support. Please keep voting, once a day until Feb. 2nd.  Registering is easy, here's the link and from there, my video is on page 2 and click the "Vote For Me!" button.  Appreciate it guys!

Title: Re: kyle heckman goes for the "Search for a Champion" contest.
Post by SS72 on 01/15/13 at 11:24am

I used Kyle's link and it worked perfect. Good Luck Kyle.

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