Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!

Message started by larryc17lm on 12/16/12 at 1:15pm

Title: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by larryc17lm on 12/16/12 at 1:15pm

Jan, 12th. Bakersfield Speedway south parking lot
8AM. Sellers $10
Buyers are free
Rick Childress (661) 679-4930

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 12/16/12 at 4:57pm

i don't know if it matters or not but there is another swap meet that day also. it is the 12th & 13th mostly pavement stuff. i will be at the speedway.

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by WOOD Racing #13 on 01/08/13 at 4:43pm

Is this Swap Meet still going on?? I haven't seen or heard anything since that first post and I have spoke to a few friends that didn't even know about it.  

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by larryc17lm on 01/08/13 at 5:06pm

yes still on for this weekend..

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by rickybobby33x on 01/09/13 at 7:28am

Comming over with some stuff.............anyone in bako need anything from this end picked up ....let me know......pete...:)

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by JK Lloyd Racing on 01/09/13 at 8:20am

We are in need of items for our hobby and mini stocks. Fuel cells, 5 point restraints, wheels, radiator for camaro hobby, nose piece for camaro, hei dist. for 350, quick steer, window net, we are also building an american stock but I dont know what is needed for that build. you can pm me with parts and prices you may have. Thanks.

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 01/09/13 at 12:27pm

Ricky Lloyd Racing wrote on 01/09/13 at 8:20am:
We are in need of items for our hobby and mini stocks. Fuel cells, 5 point restraints, wheels, radiator for camaro hobby, nose piece for camaro, hei dist. for 350, quick steer, window net, we are also building an american stock but I dont know what is needed for that build. you can pm me with parts and prices you may have. Thanks.

I have a radiator and a nose. I will be at the swap come and check it out

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by Mighty Quinn Racing on 01/09/13 at 4:05pm

I will have a full msd setup billit distributer, 6al box and coil. And a dozen or so chips. $200.
3,  9 inch housings
Third member, 5.83, 31 spline, mini spool, with j-bar mount. $300.
Lots more. May list it if I get time..

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by Mighty Quinn Racing on 01/09/13 at 5:24pm

msd sold..

in the market for 7 or 8 inch 5 on 4.75 chevy pattern beadlocks.

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12
Post by WOOD Racing #13 on 01/10/13 at 8:46am

Mighty Quinn Racing wrote on 01/09/13 at 5:24pm:
msd sold..

in the market for 7 or 8 inch 5 on 4.75 chevy pattern beadlocks.

Check PM

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12  THIS SATURDAY!!!!
Post by larryc17lm on 01/10/13 at 11:09pm

This saturday 8am

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by childressJr.16 on 01/11/13 at 5:47pm

ITS tomorrow swap IS STILL ON!!!!!

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by BledsawRacing88 on 01/11/13 at 11:22pm

I heard it was gonna be a beautiful morning!! Buncha Okies, in below freezing weather, early in the morning, on a Saturday looking for used race car parts, jeeez.......... Well see you guys there! Lol

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by Mighty Quinn Racing on 01/12/13 at 4:37am

Up and heading that way. first time i have seen 4am since the last time i stayed up that late. which i dont remember when that was. lol

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by rickybobby33x on 01/13/13 at 4:05pm

Worth comming over, picked-up some good stuff cheep.........good to see the racers and bulls*it before the season starts............It was tosty warm when I left SM.....................LOL

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by Ryan D. on 01/13/13 at 6:05pm

You must have got it all. I showed up at 9:30 or so and it was slim pickings. But the trip was worth it had a blast with kids doing stuff we dont have around here .

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by Mighty Quinn Racing on 01/13/13 at 6:24pm

first swapmeet i have been to in 20+ years that didnt have a single chassis for sale. except for the truck i brought. usually a couple americans, minis, mod chassis or somethin. anyone have any idea why people didnt come. bad weather (was actually real nice), bad date, didnt know about it? just curious. i know it was not the other swapmeet across town. those guys said it was dead all day.
but pete is right, was fun bs'ing with friends!
see you all in hanford feb 9th.

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by rickybobby33x on 01/14/13 at 7:01am

We got there about 7:30 and almost no one there.....started picking up and I think there were 10 or so people selling, not a big turnout........Ryan, did you get those wheels and tires that were for eight of them.??

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by Ryan D. on 01/14/13 at 7:04am

No just one beadlock was that you at the harbor fieght on sunday???

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by WOOD Racing #13 on 01/14/13 at 8:14am

I sold everything I had and was HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!

LOL... The only thing I didn't sale that is worth anything was a 18in seat and the Cool Shirt system I had.

If anyone wants them let me know. CHEAP

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 01/14/13 at 12:27pm

I didn't sell everything but i sure lightened my load. It was kinda funny things i thought for sure would sell didn't  and things i thought i would have forever went bye bye.

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by Mighty Quinn Racing on 01/14/13 at 9:02pm

no dought the buyers were there. the sellers were down. made it better for the sellers that did show.

Title: Re: Bakersfield Swap Meet***** Jan. 12 THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
Post by rickybobby33x on 01/15/13 at 6:54am

No not me........needed to go but didient...............need some new wheels if you know anyone......:)

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