Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> CLASSIFIEDS >> Sports Mod trans package (Undercover edition)

Message started by imracin68j on 01/31/11 at 3:47pm

Title: Sports Mod trans package (Undercover edition)
Post by imracin68j on 01/31/11 at 3:47pm

2 Muncies great condition 1-2 removed
1 Tilton 7.5 tripple disc.  Good condition
1 Tilton Throw out like new with new seals.


Title: Re: Sports Mod trans package
Post by harley83 on 01/31/11 at 4:46pm

what sportmod rules allows you to run this???

Title: Re: Sports Mod trans package
Post by mighty16x on 01/31/11 at 4:59pm

its all good at bako and chow except for the gears missing from the trans. all gears must be opperational.
probably not too hard to have them put back in. still a good deal.

Title: Re: Sports Mod trans package (Undercover edition)
Post by imracin68j on 01/31/11 at 6:06pm

And you get my word that no one will know you bought it from me so they'll have to catch you with it.   I guarantee all the gears in these trans to be operational per the rules.

Title: Re: Sports Mod trans package (Undercover edition)
Post by mighty16x on 01/31/11 at 6:45pm

cant beat that deal!

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