Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> CLASSIFIEDS >> looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw

Message started by 17B racing on 01/27/11 at 8:12pm

Title: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by 17B racing on 01/27/11 at 8:12pm

any thing turn key 8-)

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by RACER 15 on 01/27/11 at 8:24pm

I think Jimmy lust still has a turn key Mark O probaly has his #

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by 17B racing on 01/27/11 at 8:32pm

want one ready to go...get wrap an numbers..

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by weaver11 on 01/27/11 at 9:07pm

call monty 209-756-6650

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by Missle Motorsports on 01/27/11 at 9:09pm

Last Fall Jim Lust/Dan Holcomb had a COBRA Chasis SportMOD they were gona Sell, was a Full Roller, Not sure if they dropped a Motor into it, or not. Would be loacted in the Atwater/Winton area

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by mighty16x on 01/27/11 at 9:34pm

how much would you be willing to spend for a good car? say the 2010 Victorville champ car for example?
anythings for sale for the right price!!!

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by 17B racing on 01/28/11 at 8:07am

got a few bucks in a coffee pics,an were car located 8-) ;D

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by 17B racing on 01/28/11 at 11:27am

found one turn key.....thanks guys...c chaw  :) 8-)

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by woodracing35 on 01/28/11 at 11:30am

in ridgecrest...its the 16x...

Title: Re: looking 4 good mod to make sportmod at chaw
Post by 17B racing on 01/28/11 at 12:10pm

price range  and #ill call ya .....i found one ready ...but..always open to a better deal

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