Saturday Night Racer

Message started by scottwoodhouse on 05/16/10 at 11:31am

Title: 5/15 RESULTS
Post by scottwoodhouse on 05/16/10 at 11:31am

It was a great night of racing at Thunderbowl with two sprint car divisions, Golden State 410's and USAC 360's and Central Cal Mods.

Tommy Tarlton and Tim Kaeding put on a SHOW for the fans.  Battling back and forth through traffic with Tarlton taking the white flag then spinning around in turn two letting Tim pass for the win.  Dispite the spin Tarlton still finished 2nd with room to spare....

Top 4
83 Tim Kaeding
21 Tommy Tarlton
99 Kyle Larson
83jr Bud Kaeding

USAC 360 Top 4
2 Bud Kaeding
21 Peter Murphy
88 Jace VanderWeerd
3s Craig Stidham

Only 8 Modifieds made the trip this weekend, but there was some good cars once again.  Alex Stanford won yet another main event.  The 8 cars we did have put on a good show for the fans.  73 Steve Stone took a nasty barrell roll in turn 1 during his heat, but his crew got the car ack out for the main event.  

98 Stanford
67h Mancebo
66p Stone
96 Smothermon
14p Porter
84 Jefferson
66 Smythe
73 Stone

Next event at Thunderbowl is next Saturday with the Taco Bravo 360 Wing Sprints, Cen Cal Mods and Street Stocks with $1000 to win (or $1500 to win on WCSS Rules Thanks to CK Presents).

Title: Re: 5/15 RESULTS
Post by DirtBoy98 on 05/16/10 at 7:47pm

Great job on another win Stanford!

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