Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> Mini Dwarf Race 5/8/10

Message started by MillardsMema on 05/09/10 at 11:48am

Title: Mini Dwarf Race 5/8/10
Post by MillardsMema on 05/09/10 at 11:48am

Congrats to Trenton Millard for his main event win and Happy Birthday.  Also, Ryley job well done.

Title: Re: Mini Dwarf Race 5/8/10
Post by childressJr.16 on 05/09/10 at 3:37pm

Good job Trenton i new u would get that first win sooner or later!!!

Title: Re: Mini Dwarf Race 5/8/10
Post by dlmwelding on 05/09/10 at 4:52pm

NOT bad for 4 years of trial an era, but that what it takes to go fast.
It just shows that hard work an time will pay off [smiley=wink.gif]

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