Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd

Message started by bakoboss on 05/06/10 at 3:42pm

Title: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by bakoboss on 05/06/10 at 3:42pm


IMCA Modifieds, Street Stocks, American Stocks, Mini Stock POWDER PUFF
Modifieds $1200 to win, $100 to start. Draw / Re Draw format. No car entry fee.

FREE overnight camping.  Event flyer coming soon.

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by BakoBoyzRacing on 05/06/10 at 3:45pm

Street Stock 100 lapper

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by Watchin15B on 05/06/10 at 3:47pm

Really 100 lapper for streets??

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by flippenracing on 05/06/10 at 4:02pm

hahahahahah for 10 street stocks that wouild be a boring race

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by BakoBoyzRacing on 05/06/10 at 4:25pm

;D   You have NO idea....just Keep talking your $hit...already know of 13 cars that WILL be there

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by racecar35 on 05/06/10 at 4:29pm

Whats the rules for the streets? If its not WC I will show.

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by BakoBoyzRacing on 05/06/10 at 4:32pm

wrote on 05/06/10 at 4:29pm:
Whats the rules for the streets? If its not WC I will show.

Bakersfield runs WC Rules, but I am not the one how sets the rules...have to ask Scott S.

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by childressJr.16 on 05/06/10 at 4:37pm

Maybe 50 laps would be okay to watch STREETS and ALLOW them to run what ever tire they want!! If they were to do that with the tire i think they would have a full field EASILY!!!!!

                      J.M.O Ricky Childress

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by Watchin15B on 05/06/10 at 4:37pm

wrote on 05/06/10 at 4:25pm:
;D   You guys have NO idea....just Keep talking your $hit...already know of 13 cars that WILL be there

LOL I was just asking I hope it does have a good car count and it is a good race!! I support this class and help a driver with tires so I want it to work!!

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by BakoBoyzRacing on 05/06/10 at 4:42pm

It wasn't towards you...but yea its 100 laps

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by Watchin15B on 05/06/10 at 4:52pm

Should be a great night of racing!!

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by SawyerRacing98 on 05/06/10 at 6:15pm

no car entree fee? sweet, done right... we'll be there

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by Chad11 on 05/06/10 at 7:53pm

wrote on 05/06/10 at 4:29pm:
Whats the rules for the streets? If its not WC I will show.

you don't have a car

Title: Re: $1200 to win Mods in Bakersfield July 3rd
Post by racecar35 on 05/06/10 at 8:16pm

Says Who? I dont even know who you are!

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