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Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> Gokarts at Bakersfield

Message started by bakoboss on 05/05/10 at 8:33pm

Title: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by bakoboss on 05/05/10 at 8:33pm

As per the request of a few modified drivers, we will be having dirt gokarts during intermission May 15th. I'll have more details next week as I talk to the guy's with karts this weekend. We are not having lawnmowers, so the karts will have a couple of times on the track that night. Scott

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by Chad11 on 05/05/10 at 9:13pm

Have you thought about quarter midgets? I have been looking to get my boys into these. It seems like there are quite a few used ones around. Might be something that appeals to the sprint car crowd?

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by 81racer on 05/06/10 at 7:33am

i and a couple more from santa maria will be there

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by Schweitzer_82 on 05/06/10 at 8:32am

I would like to do this but need a kart, anyone selling a chassis ? i have a motor

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by SMS VIDEOS on 05/06/10 at 1:54pm

Will you be running kid karts? I have three at least three that are interested from Santa Maria?
How much to enter and how much track time?

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by onit fan on 05/06/10 at 10:14pm

Get ONIT Brad

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by THE BULLET on 05/07/10 at 11:23am

im gunna try and find one to use it seems fun

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by IM SO FAST on 05/07/10 at 12:18pm

I think you should run quads on the lil track.. May have a decent turn out...

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by SMS Fan on 05/07/10 at 6:17pm

I have a Black Offset Dirt Kart......comes with rear axle and bearings, front steering conponents, and hubs

$500.00 obo
also have tons of briggs flat head engine parts

Title: Re: Gokarts at Bakersfield
Post by Watchin15B on 05/07/10 at 9:27pm

I think I have a cart for this deal, should be fun never drove a cart on dirt before!!

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