Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma

Message started by bigdog on 05/05/10 at 7:10pm

Title: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by bigdog on 05/05/10 at 7:10pm

can everyone please pray for Lil Larry Hood's Grandma please . She is in the hospital not doing so good ... Thank you... The hood family is going though alot right now  :-/

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by mudslinger47 on 05/05/10 at 8:11pm

Added to the list.


Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by bigdog on 05/05/10 at 8:39pm

thank u  mudslinger47

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 05/05/10 at 9:15pm

thoughts and prayers out to the hood family. tim & janet

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by Andrew on 05/05/10 at 9:19pm

Absolutely, don't have to ask twice.

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by Racin72 on 05/05/10 at 10:31pm

she has my prayers  

Kevin Irwin

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by joeclab88mod on 05/05/10 at 11:28pm

She's in are prayers. Claborn racing

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by Willma-Fingerdo on 05/05/10 at 11:48pm

Prayers go out to the Hood family.  Be strong. Lauer/Lowers Gang.

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by bigdog on 05/06/10 at 1:01am

As a family friend I would like to thank all of you. ill try to keep you updated on grandma hood

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by 18racr on 05/06/10 at 7:13am

Prayers to the Hood family, Rick Spicer

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by FASTMIKE on 05/06/10 at 8:49am

on the list.

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by PriddyMotorsports on 05/06/10 at 11:27am

Absolutly....Done deal

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by Watchin15B on 05/06/10 at 3:20pm

Got my prayers, be strong Larry!!

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by jrtracing on 05/06/10 at 3:25pm

My wife Nicole (Little Larry's sister) just called me at work a bit ago. Grandma Linda has passed. Nicole does get on here and read, so I expect that she will get on here with this screenname and thank you for your prayers later.

For now, Thank you very much!

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by Watchin15B on 05/06/10 at 3:27pm

Sorry to hear this and now I will be praying for the family!

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by bigdog on 05/06/10 at 3:27pm

I have bad news .. Grandma hood passed away around 2 today.  we need to keep the family in your prays .. Grandpa is taking it very hard so are the other . SHE WILL BE MISSED BUT FOR THE ONES THAT KNOW HER JUST THINK ABOUT THE GOOD TIMES THAT WE SPEND WITH HER ............ LOVE U GRANDMA HOOD U ALWAYS HAVE A PLACE IN MY HEART AND YOU MADE UR MARK IN  EVERYBODY ......... WE LOVE YOU HOOD FAMILY :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by sj_valley_dave on 05/06/10 at 4:31pm

Our sincere condolances to the entire Hood family!! Team Cardoza #77c Racing

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by mudslinger47 on 05/06/10 at 5:08pm

Are's as well, the Buckley Family.

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by onit fan on 05/06/10 at 10:00pm

My prayers are with the Hood family

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by jrtracing on 05/06/10 at 10:36pm

I would Like to thank everyone for their prayers....We will all miss Grandma very much. She loved going to the races to see her Boys (children and grandchildren) race. She hasn't been able to go for a while due to health problems. We told her today-now she was going to have the best seat in the house to watch her Boys race. Everyone please continue to keep my Grandpa in your prayers. They would have been married 53 years in July.  

She passed away do to complications of her heart.

Nicole Jensen

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 05/06/10 at 10:57pm

so sorry for your loss. the family will be in our thoughts

tim & janet

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by snoopy2299 on 05/07/10 at 9:17am

So sorry to here about your grandma.  We will keep your family in our prayers.

Bruce, Dawn , Michael and Kevin Johnson [smiley=cry.gif] [smiley=cry.gif]

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by Andrew on 05/08/10 at 7:02am

:'( :'(  So sorry to hear. Prayers for grandpa and the rest of the fam.

Title: Re: can  everyone pray for Lil Larry hood "s grandma
Post by flippenracing on 05/08/10 at 4:52pm

sorry to hear about your loss.

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