Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> Modifieds

Message started by victory26j on 05/04/10 at 9:36pm

Title: Modifieds
Post by victory26j on 05/04/10 at 9:36pm

What tracks are running mods this weekend trying to find a race to go to??

Title: Re: Modifieds
Post by onit racing15b on 05/04/10 at 9:37pm

i know bako is

Title: Re: Modifieds
Post by Andrew on 05/04/10 at 9:45pm

Ventura is

Title: Re: Modifieds
Post by childressJr.16 on 05/04/10 at 10:42pm

ventura, BAKO and i think victorville is!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Modifieds
Post by PetalumaPits on 05/05/10 at 12:38pm

Petaluma has Dirt Mods the next three weeks.

Title: Re: Modifieds
Post by danieldigital on 05/05/10 at 1:13pm

I have a schedule (I hope it is still current) for all California tracks for the year.  I updated it about 2 weeks ago so it should still be close.

I made it into a PDF and put it on the website.  Here is the link to it:

FYI - the gray colors are Fridays, white=Saturday, yellow=Sunday and I think there is one Thursday race.

Title: Re: Modifieds
Post by DeCarlo_17 on 05/05/10 at 2:17pm

Orland Speedway is racing Imca Mods.
         Hope to see you there!!


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