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Saturday Night Racer >> RACE TECH >> Painting a race car

Message started by slidinbmw on 05/04/10 at 3:07pm

Title: Painting a race car
Post by slidinbmw on 05/04/10 at 3:07pm

   I have priced out the real stuff,  but its too pricey for a mini stock.  

  I have heard Rustoleum from Home Depot,  but how do you reduce it?

  Any other suggestions and tips?

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by OLD SCHOOL#6 on 05/04/10 at 3:08pm

It will say on the can .....................

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by slidinbmw on 05/04/10 at 3:22pm

Ok.  Thanks.  I'm a rookie with the painting.  I don't think it's automotive paint at Home Depot,  but I've heard of people using it.

 Didn't know if you have to do anything different to make it work.

 Also should you use an automotive primer?

 Trying to find out what I can get away with.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Smith3d on 05/04/10 at 7:02pm

Rustoleum industrial enamel can be reduced with mineral spirits paint thinner for about 5 bucks a gallon. It holds up really well and the whole job is affordable. It also cover in one coat without primer.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by OLD SCHOOL#6 on 05/04/10 at 7:06pm

And ya' can get the color you use in cans for tough-up....................kinda handy.............

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Andrew on 05/04/10 at 7:18pm

I've been using rustoleum( in the gallon can from Home Depot) for 5-6 yrs. I've always reduced it with lacquer thinner. I keep my car inside, so it does hold up well. The sun is your worst enemy with cheap paint. Yes, you can use an automotive primer, but I would only spot primer the metal areas. Honestly, I've sprayed it over a combo of bare metal, primer, and different layers of paint and you can't tell once it dries. It's a very forgiving paint.

The white, black and yellow turned out the best. Silver dries dull, and the red does too, kind of looked like a red curb. Look at the interior of my old toyota(#40 I think). The yellow paint in there is rustoleum that I sprayed in '05.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by GRAHAM RACING #11 on 05/04/10 at 7:37pm

We use rustoleum also but we roll it on with a fine nap roller and it holds up very well and looks great can really tell its been roled no thinner

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Smith3d on 05/04/10 at 7:59pm

I rolled my first car and it was a 20 footer. It looked great from 20 feet or more. All of them look like that after 3 races anyway.LOL

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Btroxell on 05/06/10 at 11:53am

Use acetone to thin the rustoleum paint from home depot. I used mineral spirits as well but it does not seem to hold as well as acetone.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by slidinbmw on 05/06/10 at 2:01pm

Thanks for all the tips guys.  I'll post a pic of the results in a few weeks.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by jp80 on 05/06/10 at 8:51pm

will this work when painting over bare aluminum? i needs any tips you guys have.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by W1CK3D R4C1NG on 05/06/10 at 9:38pm

the rustoleum from home depot is great... i just painted my car about a week ago with the black... i used laquer thinner 10 to 1... well thats what the paint can said to do... i've always used that paint becuase its real easy to keep touched up... like Kirk said, the spray cans are a perfect match for touch ups... dont worry about primer... that paint works great on every kind of surface i've used it on...


Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by hogracer3d on 05/06/10 at 9:41pm

jp80 wrote on 05/06/10 at 8:51pm:
will this work when painting over bare aluminum? i needs any tips you guys have.

Scotch brite or scuff the aluminum before you paint, and you should be good to go.

No need for any rust inhibitors (primer) over aluminum

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Dietzsch_Racing25 on 05/07/10 at 8:48am

I roll it on with the foam rollers.  It if is a warm sunny day it smooths out pretty good.  I can paint the whole body in an hour.  And the gallon lasts forever.

I agree with smith3d.  It isn't the nicest paint job but it looks great from the stands.


Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Ryan D. on 05/09/10 at 9:56am

One more thing to remember stuff takes forever to dry. One shot lettering paint works well also.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by hogracer3d on 05/09/10 at 10:20am

Japan Drier or Naptha will speed up the drying time of alkyd enamels quite a bit.

But, the more enviromentally friendly enamels get, the slower they dry

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Schweitzer_82 on 05/10/10 at 1:30pm

I use Tractor Paint from Tractor Supply cut with Naptha and it works really really well.  Looks like a cheap Macco or Earl Shicbe job.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by slidinbmw on 07/01/10 at 8:37am

Well,  here it is.  first time painting a car.  Used Harbor Freight $19 palm sander with 220 grit paper.  Harbor Freight  $19 spray gun.

Reduced Rustoleum 4 to 1 with acetone.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Dietzsch_Racing25 on 07/01/10 at 1:28pm

looks like it turned out great.

Is that 4 parts paint to 1 part acetone?


Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Andrew on 07/01/10 at 2:53pm

My guess is 4 parts thinner to 1 part paint. I thinned mine about 1.5 thinner to 1 paint, and it doesn't look near as smooth as Korban's job does. I should have tried more thinner, but it was a cool day when I painted. I was worried about runs. Good looking paint job for about $60.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by slidinbmw on 07/01/10 at 3:09pm

  I did 4 parts paint to 1 part acetone.  3 coats of white and two coats red.

  The car was red to start with.

  The paint can said 8 to 1 for spraying it through a gun.  I tried that and the gun didn't like it.  Was pulsing the paint out instead of a nice consistant spray.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by ka_jd7and1 on 07/01/10 at 3:17pm

That looks really nice.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Andrew on 07/01/10 at 3:24pm

I've never had to thin paint as much as I had to with this batch. Until I got up to 1.5 to 1, it was spitting out of the gun like you said. Maybe I got ahold of some old paint or something. The last car was shot with rustoleum too, and it looked as good as yours does, idk.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by jp80 on 07/01/10 at 5:32pm

hey guys I tried the paint on my mod hood, man it's ugly... I mean the color is ugly but I learned that one quick coat is not going to hold up, of course the calistoga track is very fast so the dirt is going fast also.. instant sand blast in lots of places... I'm doing it again and i'll try to get more coats and for sure a better color.. haha  thx again for the advice.

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by havocracingsc29 on 07/01/10 at 7:37pm

hey slidinbmw, the hood looks great.   I paint cars at a body shop in riverside,ca as my day job.  My advice to those who want to make the paint more durable is  1) to put extra coats of paint, but allow a few minutes between each coat so you dont run it. 2) If you wanna spend a little more,  about $50 for a sprayable gallon you can get some single stage paint, that stuff is pretty thick when it lays out. Also the fluid tip on the spray gun makes a difference on how much material comes out,  i think the HF purple gun is a 1.5mm tip

another thing, is any kind of colors that have metallic in it, you need to spray a clear coat over it to bring the metallic out and not have it look dull..

i know we race dirt cars so we dont wanna spend alot of money for paint jobs, but i thought i would throw my 2 cents in on it,

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by jp80 on 07/01/10 at 10:24pm

thanks for the tips... what I really have to do is get my new sponsor to buy powder coated sheets... ha ha. But beggars can't be choosers...

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Redalert144 on 11/28/10 at 1:12pm

This was done using rustoleom paint and a gravity feed Koblt spray gun from Lowe's

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 11/28/10 at 1:48pm

Redalert144 wrote on 11/28/10 at 1:12pm:
This was done using rustoleom paint and a gravity feed Koblt spray gun from Lowe's

where did you get the plastic hanging in your garage?

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Redalert144 on 11/28/10 at 2:26pm

It's just .7 mill 9x12 plastic from lowe's, I think it was like $2.95 a piece. Then I just stapled it up

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 11/30/10 at 5:19pm

cool thanks

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Redalert144 on 09/09/11 at 4:58pm

I know it's September but we are just about to start a new season here in Yuma Az. Heres some pics of the car as im in the process of painting.

I switched to House Of Kolor paint, so all of the Rustoleum had to be stripped off

next is primer

This is a base white, tonight Im going to try and spray the top coat paint if the weather holds out, and I'll pics to come

Title: Re: Painting a race car
Post by Redalert144 on 09/15/11 at 6:54pm

Here it is my 2011-12 colors

1 thing I learned is, which paint guys say stay with their brand products for all the steps, believe it! Major problems the whole way through and I'm left with what a guy earlier said "a 25ft paint job" haha. Oh well you live and you learn I guess.

The paint is House of Kolor "Chartreuse Neon" with 2 cotes of clear

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