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Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> 4412 Carb

Message started by larryc17lm on 05/02/10 at 11:52am

Title: 4412 Carb
Post by larryc17lm on 05/02/10 at 11:52am

So who builds the best 4412 carb that will pass bakos go no go test? Is VDO the best or are there others better?

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by OLD SCHOOL#6 on 05/02/10 at 2:30pm

Bill Maropolis Racing Engines

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by old fart racing 8 on 05/02/10 at 5:58pm

Who builds the best cheater carburators?

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by Sparky56 on 05/02/10 at 7:20pm

OLD SCHOOL#6 wrote on 05/02/10 at 2:30pm:
Bill Maropolis Racing Engines

You get them from Bill, it's a VDL...........

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by Daves_53c_19 on 05/02/10 at 8:44pm

Who builds the best cheater carburators?

How can they be cheater carburators when they will pass a go or no go test? how dos that work.
:-? :-? :-? :-? :-?

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by OLD SCHOOL#6 on 05/02/10 at 9:05pm

All a "go-no-go" test does is check to see if the venturi is stock.  Many other things can be done to the 4412.  Replacement base plates that measure 1 3/4", along with ported main body and a custom tailored racing metering block.  Also "modified" boosters help to improve fuel atomization, signal strength and mixture distribution.  These modifications can make a 500 cfm 4412 flow up to 600 cfm.

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by 18racr on 05/03/10 at 5:58am

OLD SCHOOL#6 wrote on 05/02/10 at 9:05pm:
All a "go-no-go" test does is check to see if the venturi is stock.  Many other things can be done to the 4412.  Replacement base plates that measure 1 3/4", along with ported main body and a custom tailored racing metering block.  Also "modified" boosters help to improve fuel atomization, signal strength and mixture distribution.  These modifications can make a 500 cfm 4412 flow up to 600 cfm.

YES they can,, and a bunch of you racers are racing against them..

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by RACEGLASS on 05/03/10 at 8:21am

C&S  4412 carbs flow very  nicely.

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by formercrewguy on 05/03/10 at 9:17am

.............coughcheatinbastardscough....... :)

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by Btroxell on 05/03/10 at 11:13am

formercrewguy wrote on 05/03/10 at 9:17am:
.............coughcheatinbastardscough....... :)


Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by Wally_Stewart on 05/03/10 at 12:37pm

I don't know about carburetors but I do no that the go-no go only checks the outside. What is inside makes a lot of difference. How do you know what is legal? One that costs more money or what. We have a rebuilt one I bought for $75 and had it rebuilt by Terry Henry's dad. Should I be looking for something better? Is a Willy's better and still legal? Larry knows a lot more than I do and is still asking what's better. Get the info and let me know.  Wally

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by Perry25 on 05/03/10 at 1:05pm

Old School, I have to disagree with you somewhat. It depends on the track and the tools available to the track. At some tracks they will check not only the Venturis, but also the fuel boosters for opening size and height, the base plate and also the throttle/butterfly shaft size.

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by sj_valley_dave on 05/03/10 at 2:13pm

We had a Competition Carb out of Sparks and then got a gauge legal Willy's and the Willy's was so much better. You could see results from a jet size change and the car was way more driveable...IMO

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by OLD SCHOOL#6 on 05/03/10 at 2:18pm

Perry25 wrote on 05/03/10 at 1:05pm:
Old School, I have to disagree with you somewhat. It depends on the track and the tools available to the track. At some tracks they will check not only the Venturis, but also the fuel boosters for opening size and height, the base plate and also the throttle/butterfly shaft size.

Perry25 -- my post was basically a answer to this question ----

So who builds the best 4412 carb that will pass bakos go no go test? Is VDO the best or are there others better?

I agree with you, there are many more things that can be teched if the track rules say stock "no touch" 4412"s.  The E/W rule "was" just that, and when I teched their carbs I did not use a go-no-go gage, I used a pair of inside calipers becuase there are ways of making the venturi pass a go-no-go gage, (oval venturi), I also checked the boosters for size, and I had the guys remove the carb so I could tech the base plate for size, also the throttle shaft and butterflies for any machining.  Thats as far as I went becuase I figured those were the main places where performance could be picked up .................

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by childressJr.16 on 05/03/10 at 2:51pm

VDL carbs are ok but there is better out there its everyones own job to try and gain the most power and try different things unlike Bakersfield one person did good with one carb and everyone runs and gets the same one!!!!!

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by Racin72 on 05/03/10 at 2:57pm

if it works y take A CHANCE of having TROUBLE with others thts y i got mine not many people like to try off the wall stuff i mean if its not a good carb then y does most of the racers run one

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by ka_jd7and1 on 05/03/10 at 3:05pm

Racers are monkeys - monkey see, monkey do.  If the guy who keeps beating you is running a VDL, then you must get a VDL to run with him.  Goes for suspension setup too.

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by Racin72 on 05/03/10 at 3:10pm

i got mine cuz i barrowed one from a friend and had one ever since but whos cares if everyone runs them if there just OK then not very many people would have them but since everyone has them i think there BETTER than OK

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by Perry25 on 05/03/10 at 3:13pm

OK Old School, now we are tracking....

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by imracin68j on 05/03/10 at 4:02pm

Nothing is better than a VDL 2bbl period.  It feels like a 4bbl.  I've tried everything from Blake, Carb shop etc and VDL whoops on all.  Once they are ok in a class, you need to have one or you better find some extra HP somewhere else to make up for it. Almost impossible to police the metering block.  I've read some tracks swap the metering blocks in a no touch class but that would suck if you invested 6 large in a VDL carb.


Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by larryc17lm on 05/03/10 at 5:03pm

Has anyone ran the Race Demon 4412 Or is it a POS?

Who sells the VDL the cheapest?

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by woodracing35 on 05/06/10 at 6:32pm

i got my vdl out the door and shipped for 688...go to

Title: Re: 4412 Carb
Post by hogracer3d on 05/06/10 at 8:16pm

The VDL owner (dan, I think) is awsome, he will talk to you even when he is at the races.

We took a motor to the Carb Shop in Ontario to dyno.
It had a brand New VDL 4-bbl on it.

we broke it in and made a few pulls and the carb shop guy said, I wouldnt change a thing, that carb is dead on.

we have dyno'd 2 other different VDL's (2 and 4-bbl) here in Ridgecrest and they both were also dead on as well.

I have a $1000 Biggs 620 4412, and we would rather run the gauge legal VDL any time

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