Saturday Night Racer Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> Re: american stock class is out of hand Message started by formercrewguy on 05/02/10 at 9:24am |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by formercrewguy on 05/02/10 at 9:24am Huh? |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by mudslinger47 on 05/02/10 at 9:26am formercrewguy wrote on 05/02/10 at 9:24am:
Ya, what he said. |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by OLD SCHOOL#6 on 05/02/10 at 9:45am hahahaha --- now see what ya' went and did. Ya' chased the original poster off ................ LOL |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by formercrewguy on 05/02/10 at 9:57am ;D |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Perrin on 05/02/10 at 10:28am So, by the same definition is the hobby stock class out of hand also? IE. faster more competitive. I saw three groupes on the teck pad last nite, in what was a good race. What was out of hand was the teck pad trolls whining, and trying to start fights while the teck officials and mechanics did their job! I think a lot of people have responded to the compitition by stepping it up. Teena childress did a great job last night, along with dakota brown. Johnny wood ran good early, and the fry familys effort shows also. the johsons and their efforts can be seen in a lot of race programs. I would say the american stocks are well in hand! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by flippenracing on 05/02/10 at 11:47am no im talking about the the car who smoked the tire on tech pad last night i dont care what you guys say. he was on the roller the right rear should have never smoked they gave him three chances and they said he had his foot on the break who put there foot on the brake two out of three times come on now but you guys can say what ever |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Perrin on 05/02/10 at 12:18pm Never heard of power braking? How can the tire on the roller not move with the tire on the concrete smokin? they told the kid to put his foot on the brake and put it in gear then accelerate. They assumed he knew to let off the brake, he had it to the floor ! When they noticed the roller tire not moving the officials told him to let off the brake, but that was too late for the teck trolls who were cheering and clapping at what they thought was a DQ. ps. what does it say about someone who is willing to believe that with four teck officials and at least ten racers who know what they are looking at, that a car would pass teck after a smoke show! Then to post it on the internet for all to read. |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Racin72 on 05/02/10 at 2:43pm if it was locked up or shimmed up it would of jumped off the roller and not just spin the right rear tire |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by XIV on 05/02/10 at 2:56pm im not too knowledgeable on those rear ends but why would the right side even turn at all? :-? |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by fan in the stands on 05/02/10 at 4:12pm Saw the show on the tech pad also can say i dont agree with what went on i have been around racing for a number of years and that was a shimmed rearend or limited slip on the blue car power brakeing i think not lol also dont understand why he got 3 chances to tech it when after the first time one official said he was done u guys need to get on the same page but u can complain complain nothin is going to be done pretty soon this class that always has a great car count is gunna be dead like the super street class because of people cheating and spending big money on there cars but guess thats just racing so they say sad to see also must take the fun out of a good finish when ur fellow racers are clapping and cheering when u get caught cheating |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Racin72 on 05/02/10 at 4:47pm if it was shimmed up or a limited slip it would of JUMPED OFF the roller not just sit ther and spin so whats there to complain about |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by formercrewguy on 05/02/10 at 4:59pm fan in the stands wrote on 05/02/10 at 4:12pm:
Wow..........I thought there was some punctuation in this, but it appears it was only dirt on my |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Chad11 on 05/02/10 at 5:26pm Perrin wrote on 05/02/10 at 12:18pm:
The problem is that you guys have no credibility. Haven't 3 or 4 of your cars been dq'ed for various infractions already. Nobody is going to give you the benefit of the doubt now. |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by childressJr.16 on 05/02/10 at 6:42pm If the BOTH rear tires were spinning that car should have been dq'd for that night!!!! J.M.O THIS IS MY OPINION ON THIS SITUATION WE SHOULD PUT A HOBBY STOCK ON THE TECH PAD ON THE ROLLER THIS SATURDAY AND LETS SEE IF THAT HOBBY JUMPS OFF THE ROLLER IM ALMOST POSITIVE IT WILL JUST SIT THERE AND BURN BOTH "tires"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by flippenracing on 05/02/10 at 8:02pm i agree with you ricky |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Perrin on 05/02/10 at 8:05pm Hey Chad, out again calling people lairs. Maybe you should check your facts for some creditability! com'on guys a little mental exercise here. How can a car stay on the roller without the front brakes unless it was unlocked? That's why they use the roller. If the rear tire is burning out and the other staying on the roller, the brakes are on! This is not a difficult concept. |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by childressJr.16 on 05/02/10 at 8:34pm I never seen someone jump off yet so i JUST THINK WE SHOULD PUT A HOBBY ON THERE U NO A HOBBY HAS A FULL SPOOL REAR END AND LET'S SEE IF IT JUMPS OFF THE ROLLER!!!! ALSO if they put a hobby on it turn them around on the pad so if it does jump off IT will be a "safe" attempt at it instead of taking the STUPID chance of flying threw the FENCE!!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Racin72 on 05/02/10 at 9:04pm Ricky the kid was TOLD to keep his foot on the brake BY an OFFICAL and the offical is one of the new ones and dont u think AFTER THREE time if it was shimmed up it would of went through the french and with his foot on the brake the right rear will be the only one to spin |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Btroxell on 05/02/10 at 9:46pm I'm not so sure I understand. So if a car is shimmed or locked the only way to tell is if the car goes thru the fence? Then you can say with out a doubt that its locked, right? The only way a car is going to go thru the fence is if the rollers brake, otherwise the only other forward momentum would cause the car to spin in circles or spin the tire that is on the ground. JMO |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Bap33 on 05/02/10 at 10:16pm tight spiders in a GM rearend after a race would be locked and would drive off the rollers or spin both tires and would bark the rear tires in a tight turn on pavement. Jack it up and turn the wheel. Test completed. I've done what the guy in the story has done, back in the '89 streeter days when we were still one-legged. 9" ford rear, all stock, I held the brake and spun the lighter r/r tire on the dusty cement. True story. I was cheating, but not in the rearend. |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by THE BULLET on 05/02/10 at 10:26pm i will put my hobby on the roller saturday, and i was not a tech booger or whatevr you say i was helping someone take there car apart for the tech the burn on my hand shows it.. perrin, i like all of you milk guys,your good people but come on you guys have more money in your american stocks then i have in my front running hobby. jmo |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Btroxell on 05/02/10 at 11:21pm Tate #62 wrote on 05/02/10 at 10:26pm:
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by woodracing35 on 05/03/10 at 12:42am perrin thanks for the good words...i have been working hard to get my car guys are for sure fast...its great to run door to door with you guys...its alot of fun but to the remark about money it doesnt matter if they have more money in there american stock then a hobby they take pride in there cars just like the rest of us...if there shimmed up or locked when somebody draws the pill to pull the cover off the rearend we all will know if there locked or not...or somebody could put the money up to tear down the rearends of the caddys... JMO |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by fromthegrandstands on 05/03/10 at 1:16am I've read this thread...and I'm not a racer, just a spectator...but! If a car is set with ONE rear wheel on a roller to see if it has a locked, posi, or TIGHT rear end, aren't you looking for it's ability to SPIN the wheel on the ROLLER and the one on FIRM Ground? A ONE Legger should only spin the tire on the roller with acceleration, if the Tire on the ROLLER Does NOT Spin, but the tire on the CONCRETE Does - there is virtually now way the read end could be locked...unless it had a broken one would have to assume the one on the concrete had less traction or Brake Pressure than the NON Spinning tire on the roller. Or am I missing something? |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by 18racr on 05/03/10 at 5:33am Racin72 wrote on 05/02/10 at 2:43pm:
EXACTLY !!! I was Dq'd one night in American stocks because the Tech official at the time didnt know how to check for a locked-shimmed rearend,,,way to go to these Tech officials for knowing how to tech... |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by 18racr on 05/03/10 at 5:46am When you have drum brakes and when the brake pedal is pressed the rearend will spin the tire with the least amount of resistance and we all know with drum brakes its wich ever side is adjusted more than the other or wich ever has the least amount of air in the line or or or.... they should be checked with brakes not applied and all will be seen,,, JMO but have experiance with this situation,,,I have seen unlocked rearends with one tire in the air and the other on the ground spin the tire on the ground and the one in the air sit still because the brakes have been adjusted better than the one on the ground when brakes are applied. Dont believe me? try it, back off one side of rear brake adjustment and put it on the ground and the one with good adjustment in the air and apply the brakes and gas it up, you will smoke the tire on the ground as the other sits still. |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by imracin68j on 05/03/10 at 8:12am If someone is in questions why not just pull the spider gears out? |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Perrin on 05/03/10 at 9:27am The bullet, I would trade money for knowledge and experience any day! The work to build a car yourself isn't any less with money. Experience saves you work and time. You spend some time racing and you start to watch others for info. How they built thier cage,simple light and strong. What parts they use from tires to fuel tanks. You can then appreciate others who put effort in thier cars and get results, not just with money. I see very little correlation between money and winning at a dirt track. some of the most successful teams at bakersfield are blue collar every day guys, that have experience and work hard. So don't buy into the politics of envey, it's ugly and makes those that practice it look stupid! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by childressJr.16 on 05/03/10 at 11:41am On this rule for the AMERICAN whenever you get on that will the only time u put your foot on the brake is too put the car in gear AFTER that u are supposed to" take your foot off the BRAKE" and start picking the throttle up to a high RPM if its shimmed it will engaged and jump off the roller!!! BUT if its shimmed up and you are keeping your feet on the brakes it will just stay on the roller and Spin the tire with the less brake to it!!!!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by childressJr.16 on 05/03/10 at 11:58am LETS JUST ADD THE HOOPS AND LOCK EM UP FOR "2011" & call this class HOBBY STOCK & CALL THE HOBBYs,, STREET STOCKS because that is what they basically are now uh days! THEN there will never be a problem with a REAR END AGAIN unless some one starts runnin a GOLD TRACK rear end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Watchin15B on 05/03/10 at 2:50pm Yep Ricky thats what its coming to its getting way out of hand!! The milk man or what ever there called should of been DQed, but I bet he makes sure its fixed for the next race. So if the officials messed up on this one he got a break and im guessing a lot of racers have gotten brakes before!! BUT he should of been DQed in my opinion!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by childressJr.16 on 05/03/10 at 2:55pm IT happens in RACING there isn't one person out there that has never gotten a break before some things are for you and somethings go against you..<< But its just when they do the wheel thing your only supposed to give the car gas ONLY no BRAKE at all, thats my only thing about this!!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Racin72 on 05/03/10 at 3:14pm well if ur told to KEEP UR FOOT ON THE BRAKE BY the OFFICAL then u do what ur told but heres the thing the officalis NEW at that so how was he supose to know and im not sticking up for them i knew when im told to do something by an OFFICAL i will do it and the kid didnt know either but u guys can say what u want and complain about what u want |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by XIV on 05/03/10 at 3:20pm Everyone is going to complane no matter what side of the fence they are on.... the only way to know if the guy was legal or not was to pull the cover that wasnt done! its over might as well move on and wait to complain about somtething else next week! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Racin72 on 05/03/10 at 3:21pm lol thats no lie it the same people every week that do it |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Watchin15B on 05/03/10 at 4:19pm Racin72 wrote on 05/03/10 at 3:21pm:
Wow hello pot this kettle!!!! Get my drift!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Watchin15B on 05/03/10 at 4:20pm If people were not illegal then others wouldn't complain!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Watchin15B on 05/03/10 at 4:25pm XIV wrote on 05/03/10 at 3:20pm:
I agree why wasn't the cover pulled?? |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Racin72 on 05/03/10 at 4:33pm LOL ur something else daniel nice try but if u think i complain every week ur WRONG pal and if he was illegal then he would of went through the fence |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Watchin15B on 05/03/10 at 5:14pm LOL im glad you think im funny!! ;D Really I just like messin with you!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by 18racr on 05/03/10 at 7:55pm Watchin15B wrote on 05/03/10 at 4:20pm:
I call bullshiat on this one,, lots of legal cars get called cheaters and theyre not,,,I know for a fact,,sorry but its the truth |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by Watchin15B on 05/03/10 at 8:04pm 18racr wrote on 05/03/10 at 7:55pm:
I would agree but it sure seemed obvious the first test when one official said, get that car out of here, then they just kept saying its not illegal its not illegal!! Oh well I just think if they want to run those types of cars then get into a hobby stock!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by old fart racing 8 on 05/04/10 at 10:28pm So if shimming the rearend is legal, How is the correct way to do it? Do you shim both the drive gears & spider gears & will brass shim stock hold up? |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by childressJr.16 on 05/04/10 at 10:34pm you shim the gears that the axels slide through!!!!!!!!!! An i think its funny that people say if it was shimmed it will fly through the FENCE that is BullSHUHvick cause i no someone that had theres shimmed as tight as you can get it and one a dam main event last year But hey there's firm believer's out there that no EVERYTHING and believe that it will jump off the roller!!!!! I WAS there whenever that car won and was on the WHEEL and never came off of it!! IF you PUT a HOBBY on there and USE the BRAKES the HOBBY WONT even JUMP OFF OF IT!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by larryc17lm on 05/04/10 at 11:01pm Shimming a rearend is NOT locking it! There is still slipping going on. It is adding more resistance to both axles, Therefore it will always pass the tech roller test. |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by childressJr.16 on 05/04/10 at 11:11pm WoW someone else understands my POINT!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: american stock class is out of hand Post by fan in the stands on 05/05/10 at 10:45am The only reason that it did not jump off of the roller is because he was on the brake, yes kevin it would probably jump off the roller but not if he had his foot on the brake |
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