Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> SMS

Message started by corvettechaser on 12/07/06 at 11:06am

Title: SMS
Post by corvettechaser on 12/07/06 at 11:06am

Any word on points fund checks, trophies, awards banquet  for Santa Maria Speedway?

Title: Re: SMS
Post by RCR489 on 12/07/06 at 3:24pm

we should know soon.keep your pants on

Title: Re: SMS
Post by RCR489 on 12/07/06 at 3:26pm

we should know within the next week.

Title: Re: SMS
Post by benstrans on 12/07/06 at 5:42pm

With the exception of last year, SMS has always been very timely with the scheduling of the awards banquet, the Noontimer's payout, posting of the new rules, and racing schedule.

They seem to wait for the holiday rush to subside, then proceed so everyone can make plans for the next racing season.

(somehow, I still head up there for the first race with the paint still wet on my racer, but it's NOT their fault)

Title: Re: SMS
Post by RCR489 on 12/07/06 at 7:19pm

I dont mind waiting.I'm just happy to have a track to race on next year.

Title: Re: SMS
Post by mudslinger47 on 12/07/06 at 10:11pm

There banquet was usually around super bowl weekend I think.  Duane

Title: Re: SMS
Post by outlawaaron98 on 12/08/06 at 5:44pm

i heard as soon as they secure a place to have it we will all be posted about when & where

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