Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> Bako Twin 50 Payout?

Message started by CrazyJay_51 on 11/27/06 at 6:57pm

Title: Bako Twin 50 Payout?
Post by CrazyJay_51 on 11/27/06 at 6:57pm

Has everyone got paid all there money from the twin 50 race? I have only been paid half of my money and I have tried to get a hold of Scott, but for some reason he's hard to get a hold of.

Jason Bannister.

Title: Re: Bako Twin 50 Payout?
Post by hogracer3d on 11/27/06 at 7:51pm

Just curious, how did you you only get half?
Did you get a half pay check? or did they give some cash at the track?

Title: Re: Bako Twin 50 Payout?
Post by AaronStewart on 11/27/06 at 8:14pm

Since it was Twin 50s, its likely that he got paid for only one of the 50s--

Title: Re: Bako Twin 50 Payout?
Post by lmfan01 on 11/27/06 at 8:26pm

I talked to Scott in Vegas.    He said MOM  is mad at him Because there was two payouts for the twins and She was not told about it.    Now she has to send more checks out.   So They are getting the checks done.  

Title: Re: Bako Twin 50 Payout?
Post by outlawaaron98 on 11/27/06 at 9:01pm

wow i am still waiting on my check from the bud nationals

Title: Re: Bako Twin 50 Payout?
Post by woodracin13 on 11/27/06 at 9:49pm

I got paid for both of the 50 lap mains 1 check for the first 50 and 1 for the second 50.
I got mine about 2 weeks ago.


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