Saturday Night Racer
Saturday Night Racer >> SATURDAY NIGHT RACER >> Congrats to Tina Wheeler

Message started by snoopy22 on 11/26/06 at 10:16pm

Title: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by snoopy22 on 11/26/06 at 10:16pm

Congrats to Tina Wheeler on her first main event win at the turkey classic in Victorville!!  Way to go Tina.

Johnson Motorsports

Title: Re: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by Racegirl29 on 11/27/06 at 2:44pm

Just wanted to tell everyone Thanks for all the support and for coming out and watching!! What a Great Race!! I had so much fun can't wait till next season!!!!

Title: Re: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by AaronStewart on 11/27/06 at 5:02pm

Good Job Tina! After I got back on the track I was keeping an eye on that battle for the leading rooting you on.

So help me I'll make sure you're next win is a lot tougher to get then this one. I won't go easy if I am up there! :P

Title: Re: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by TIM_BEWLEY on 11/27/06 at 9:21pm

nice job! i guess we can buy beer from the other girls if you are going to win races. lol

Title: Re: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by LMR on 11/28/06 at 12:28am

courtesy of KC Rooney...

Title: Re: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by sj_valley_dave on 11/28/06 at 8:53am

Congrats to you Tina! Photo salesperson, beer girl, race winner, boy you wear many hats now.....:) :)    Team 77c

Title: Re: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by LMR on 11/28/06 at 10:49pm

courtesy of

Title: Re: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by countingcars on 11/29/06 at 1:08pm

We heard  about your win! We are very happy for your! Cant wait to see you next year @ bako kick the boys a**! Like always we will be screaming for you but dont tell Aaron OK!! LOL      See Ya Next Year,
                                  Shelley & Wendy Crawford,
                                  Yvonne Jennings

           ~~~~~ BAKERSFIELD SCOREKEEPERS~~~~~~

Title: Re: Congrats to Tina Wheeler
Post by AaronStewart on 11/29/06 at 4:19pm

countingcars wrote on 11/29/06 at 1:08pm:
We heard  about your win! We are very happy for your! Cant wait to see you next year @ bako kick the boys a**! Like always we will be screaming for you but dont tell Aaron OK!! LOL      See Ya Next Year,

*Ahem* I'm sitting right here...

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